Tips for Horse Care

When plaiting manes or tails, use one of the following things to keep the hairs in place:
Sugar water
Hair gel
Baby oil

To make putting hay into a haynet easier, place it in a bin liner first, and then put the bin liner upside down in the net. Pull it out, and the hay will be left in it. Voila!

To stop hoof oil dripping form you hoof oil brush, all over your grooming tool, place it in a large tube, such as a family sized Smartie or Rolo tube

Keep a big pile of any old towels and unwanted clothes for cleaning mud off of your horses legs

If your grooming brushes are full of hair, simply wet them, and then use an old comb (thinly spaced dog or cat combs usually work best), and run it through the brush, bringing the hairs out with it.

Instead of a padlock round gates, another option is to use a thick bicycle lock. They're harder to cut through, and people who use the field can be told the combination, instead of being given keys.

An ingenious, although quite complicated, method for soaking hay, is to use a dustbin: bore holes into the bottom, and plug them with corks, then fill the bin with water. This way, the hay can soak, and the dusty water, when finished with, can be drained through the holes