Welcome To My New Page . It's not as good as the old one but I'm too lazy to make another

flash site. If your looking to download files, try kazza, they don't give enough space on geocities. You

can get Kazza at download.com. No I'm not going to link it, are you too lazy to type the sh!t in yourself.

Anyways I got a few interesting things on my site, so check em out.

Any questions comments:
It's A Link To The Ford Tempo/Mercury

Topaz web site. Why??? Cause I own a bloody

Ford Tempo. Click on the pic to go there.
   I have a video card for auction on

ebay. It's a 32 MB Radeon w/ S-Vid.

Out On it. Check it out. by clicking

Among One of the Animes I don't like. Click on the pic for a list of people I don't like.
Thats All For Right Now, Check back Later cause I'll really have some sh!t worth

looking at.