Hi, welcome to my hideaway. I am StarDancing (aka: RoseStarDancing, D'Etoile, SilverStarDancing). If you've been here before, you may notice there's a difference now. Had a little accident and have had to rebuild from the ground up. Sheesh, what a pain. Hopefully, this will only improve the place. Please be patient. I'll try to rebuild as soon as possible.

The Hideaway is a safe haven for immortals wishing to get away from the game. It's on holy ground and hidden by magic. The Hideaway is in the Rocky Mountains of North America; could be Colorado or even as far north as Canada. It's owned by Gwennolaik, Cassandra, Mistglow and WindShadow. The hideaway is made of natural stone and unfinished wood. It is round and has two stories. The ground floor has a deep porch which circles the entire place. The roof of the porch makes up the balcony for the top floor. The entry way is a double door, painted deep forest green. The second floor wall above it is glass from floor to ceiling and extends about 20 feet across. There is a rough stone three-story tower attached to the left side of the house which interrupts the porch and balcony. Entering through the double doors to continue a description of the Hideaway.

The first step is setting up links to all my stuff.

The Tower This is our refuge. You'll find stories about Cassandra, Gwennolaik, Mistglow and WindShadow here.

The Library Original poetry, humor and miscellaneous fan-fic.

The Gallery Pictures of Keanu Reeves, Peter Wingfield, Tracy Scoggins, and various Highlander actors.


Clan MacPsySib The Psychic Siblings. This is the clan I set up with my PsyQuads (Psychic Quadruplets); Green, Indigo, and Burgundy. I am Purple MacPsySib, the Chief of Colors and Such; and PsyQuadOne. We are a clan dedicated to whimsy. Come see us. Membership is by invitation of current clan members. If you'd like to join, make friends with a clan member so they'll recommend you. But I warn you, we are a little off the wall!

MacMINT Asylum The Methos Institute for Neurotic Tipplers. The Asylum is run by jam-wired. I'm the Clan's Manicurist. Come visit me in Cell #33.
the BABE's The Bronze Age Bunch Entourage. The BABE's Chieftain is Kronos4me. I am Clan Shamaness/Manicurist. We keep the Four Horsemen's bronze age camp.
Clan MacWoW The Women of Wisdom. I'm known here as Rose StarDancing. This is a wonderful bunch of people. Stop in and get to know them.
Clan MacBeta If you like to write or read fan-fic or perhaps you need a beta for your fan-fic, this is the place to go. The MacBeta's chief is Amand-r. I am the Paragraph Princess.
The Hetskateers All het, all the time. Okay, mostly het, all the time. Fan-fic with relatively little or no slash. The Hetskateers are guided by Mags. They know me as D'Etoile. THIS IS AN ADULT SITE.
The DOBC The Dirty Old Broads Club. I'm the Minister of Public Health. Mostly we play on the ROGboard forum.
The Guardian Angels Guardian Angels for Highlander characters. Even immortals need help. Din-O-Mite is the Prinicipality of the Angels. I am the Archangel for Cassandra, which means I am the head of all the Guardian Angels for the Witch of Donan Woods.
MAP This is *not* a clan. It's the Methos Addicts Public support group. We aren't trying to recover. We are proud of our addiction to the ROG.
SIMs City For Pete's Sake. This is a cyberworld where *all* the Highlander characters exist companionably (mostly) along with any characters played by the Highlander actors and us! Methos is technically in charge, but really Lady (Abby) runs the place. I'm known there by my OFC's name, Gwennolaik (Gwena). THIS IS AN ADULT SITE.


Shadow World This is dwolf's site. She's also PsyQuadTwo. Werecreatures, vampires and many other mythical beings can be found here.
Part of My Charm This is Fleta's site. She's PsyQuadThree. Dedicated to Methos.
Fhaolan's Homeworld This is Raine's site. She's PsyQuadFour. Fhaolan is her OFC and this is her SIMs City business page and houses her fan-fic.

Page O'Giggles and Furies This is Amand-r's site. Always changing, never the same site twice.
K'Immortal Beloved K'Immielvr's site. The place for those who love the bad boys of Highlander.
Sean Bean This is another of K'Immielvr's site, this one dedicated to Sean Bean. She has converted me into a fan! ::Thud!::
Methos' Shield Bearer Rebecca's site

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If you'd like to contact me just write me: StarDancing