Welcome to my Guestbook! See who else has been hiding out here and what they had to say!

03/21/00 21:16:44
Name: Bryan My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
What's your sign?: taurus Are you a chocoholic?: you bet! Favorite type of animal?: cat
Favorite author?: Frank McCourt Do you like to clean house?: regular Felix Unger

Hi.My visit to your site was pleasing.Get back to me in the future.Blessed Be!

01/05/99 02:13:26
Name: bean My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Who do you like?: everybody What's your sign?: aquarius Are you a chocoholic?: of course
Favorite type of animal?: puppies Favorite author?: star dancer Do you like to clean house?: heck no

I love your poems, I had no idea. Love life and laughter.

12/10/98 09:04:43
Name: dwolf My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Who do you like?: Pretty much everyone. As a matter of fact, I can't think of anyone I *don't* like. What's your sign?: Taurus, the bull. Are you a chocoholic?: You had to ask?
Favorite type of animal?: Wolf. Duh. Favorite author?: Robert Heinlein Do you like to clean house?: Why of course. And decorate, too. Those piles? That's art, man!


12/04/98 05:38:27
Name: *ßláçkWîdøw* My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Who do you like?: Methos, The Kurgan, and *mumbles* Duncan... just a little.. What's your sign?: Capricorn with Libra Ascendant. Are you a chocoholic?: You better believe it... I survive on M&M's.
Favorite type of animal?: birds Favorite author?: Anne Rice Do you like to clean house?: No way! Yuck!

Hey fellow BABE! What's up? Nice place you got here... Su Casa es Mi Casa... err.. or something like that... *sprawls on the couch* Hey! Gimmie a Beer! ;O)

12/02/98 11:57:55
Name: brightstar My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Who do you like?: i like my hunny...:-) What's your sign?: tah..tah..tah...taurus! Are you a chocoholic?: sometimes
Favorite type of animal?: kitties, big or small, wild or domestic. i love em all Favorite author?: probably starhawk Do you like to clean house?: nonono i hate cleaning!

well, you were kind enough to sign my guestbook so i figured i'd lend you the same honor...i'll link you if you link me sound like a plan? i like you're page, especially the picture of the lynx...(my guardian kitty is the black panther). anyhow keep up th good work...;-) brightblessings, brightstar

11/28/98 04:23:18
Name: Amand-r My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Who do you like?: Huh? What's your sign?: Oh! Leeeoooo! Are you a chocoholic?: Mmmmmm...chocolate...
Favorite type of animal?: Horsies! Favorite author?: Ouch! Right now? Toni Morrison Do you like to clean house?: NO! Nononononono!

I like your page, and I am awed that you are so loyal to Cassie. I like Cassie, and I don't show it, but you, dear guardian angel, are wonderful to your charge... I like the page! Keep it up!

11/27/98 17:52:47
Name: Johanna aka Lady Nightmare My URL: Visit Me Who do you like?: a lot, but mainly Highlander and other weird shows
What's your sign?: Capricorn Are you a chocoholic?: Does that even need to be answered? OH YEAH!! Favorite type of animal?: all mythical creatures, and most of the members of the feline family
Favorite author?: way too many to list-but Peter David is pretty cool Do you like to clean house?: "clean"? What is this word? I have not heard of it.

Great page! I look forward to seeing the finished product!

11/26/98 20:36:19
Name: StarDancing My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Who do you like?: Methos, Cassandra and Keanu Reeves (yes, I know he isn't a HL character, but I've had a crush for YEARS!) What's your sign?: Depends on the mood I'm in. Usually Leo, but sometimes Virgo Are you a chocoholic?: yes, especially with caramel
Favorite type of animal?: Felines, any kind of felines (cats) Favorite author?: Anne McCaffrey Do you like to clean house?: NO! I hate it! Any volunteers?

Since its my guestbook, I wanted to be the first, so now its your turn!! :~} Expect a Miracle!

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