
Welcome to my home here in DRealm of DSpirit. I am so fortunate to have been invited to exist here with all the lovely Spirits. There are so many... let me see... there is DFun, a lovely spirit that lives up to her name. She likes the games of DRealm and will keep you guessing. Then there is Odette, our mischievious spirit. You know when 'Dette is around, because you feel your leg being pulled. DButterfly.... light and lively as her namesake. Fluttering around constantly, keeping our garden beautiful. DSpring is exactly what her name implies.. a breath of wonderful outdoors! Spirit Dove leaves you feeling peaceful.. a glorious feeling. And she is in charge of our Spirit WebRing. DReferee is our "counselor" in matters of settling disputes before they begin and DInspiration is just that.. a wonder to behold. She offers inspiration to all of us. DRainbow... think of the rainbow and what a marvelous sight to behold after a rain. Promises of good things to come... that is our DRainbow. DLight...she shows us the way, lighting our way through all our travels. And then there is DSpirit. What can be said that hasn't been already?? She is the true "spirit" of the Site Fights and everyone that has been touched by her knows that is true. She is a true wonder... like the eighth wonder of the world!


These are the wonderful Spirits that I have been so graciously allowed to be part of and I am so deeply honored. I was shocked, to say the least, when invited.... but I accepted very quickly..... like immediately! *Smile* I only hope that I have the ability to live up to the honor placed on me. Thank you, gracious Spirits, for allowing me into your home as a family member.


In Australia a little boy has been bitten by a noxious poison spider. He is the 4 year old son of our own DQueen and DGeneral at the Site Fights. Please take time to share your support and prayers with them by visiting the site under the button.

Pray for Cody
Please accept this graphic as a prayer reminder.
Thank you!


I support D'Agony Uncle!.. The poor dear misunderstood man!
Want to support him? Visit my Rings Page and see what you can do to help him!

I leave the door open for you anytime and please, while you are here, visit the other Spirits and also our DRealm of DSpirit. Prepare yourself for the wonderfully enchanted time you will have and remember... we are here to help whenever you need.


I leave you now but not before handing you the Spirit Stick. Spirit Please take it and pass it around. You will feel so good afterwards... just try it and see!


Please.. before you go... please go see A Tribute To You. I put it there just for You!

Lady Rosemary

This heart is from a "special" lady... Lady Rosemary from Cherished Teddies. She was my Secret Santa! Please visit her site... she loves company!


I was sent this Wishing Star by Lady Rosemary and I love it!
Would you like one too??? Just touch the star and it will take you where you can get one too!

Wishing Star

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