

My story is a strange one but one I must share.


As we all know, The Site Fights professes
Where they're Fighting for Fun and Friendships Begun"
and I know that most of us are quite hesitant in believing until we find out for ourselves, and that usually is by the end of our first week of competition!

Well, I find this amazingly true every day of the week and it continues to astound me! I am amazed at the lengths people go to prove DMan right! The friendship and love and Spirit here is so compelling that you never want to leave this safe haven.


As you know, we are in the midst of the Secret Cupid project and when I heard about it.. I signed up immediately! I had had such fun with the Secret Santa project and I could't wait for this one to begin.
I heard from DPeace on January 16 saying "All Systems Were Go" and we were off. I got my Secret Cupid assignment and started immediately... building a web page... making backgrounds... graphics.. sending cards..., you know, all the fun stuff you do for someone else just for their pure pleasure!

Then, .... I waited.

I heard from the person I am playing Cupid to... with so much love it was almost over-powering... =)), but I didn't hear a thing from the person that had been assigned to be my Secret Cupid.
I was like several others and emailed DPeace. Her reply was, "It is a long week-end... people may be away. Give it until Thursday night and if you haven't heard anything... let me know and I will re-assign you to someone else."
That was fine with me; I know how "life" can take over sometimes and interfer with 'puter time.... =))


In the midst of this waiting... on Jan. 21st I opened my email and found something from Secret Cupid! Boy was I excited... the fun was really starting!
When I opened it... it was a Virtual Sundae. I headed over there excitement in tow. Here is what I found.

Strawberry Sundae

From: Secret Cupid

I know I am not your Secret Cupid but I just wanted to stop by, visit and share a sundae with you. :-))



I was of mixed emotions... it wasn't from my Secret Cupid... But it was from someone kind enough to think of me... and to send me something! I was ecstatic!

I sent a "thank you" reply and then waited to hear from my "assigned" Secret Cupid.

Then.... on the 22nd I got another email from this mysterious Cupid ... with this inside!

"Hello DStarCatcher

I found something and thought you would like it so I made something for you. The size is to big and I will reduce it later but was so proud and wanted to show it to you."

SC Gift

I was stunned from the sheer beauty of it!

Still I waited... but was so excited about this mysterious person! It was almost worse than getting gifts from my real Secret Cupid! The mystery continued!

Then... on the same day... I got this.... =))

"Hello D'StarCatcher

I have seen you around the fights and people have told me how nice you are so I made you another gift.

A SECRET CUPID...but not yours...sorry


Now... I was really curious! I wrote to DRainbow and told her all that had happened. She vetod the suggestion that I had ... "Maybe, just maybe, this person was really my Cupid and just didn't want to tell me"...
DRainbow said there would be no reason for that... that she felt, as I did deep inside, that this was just an extra special person and wanted to share. I agreed, knowing she was right. After all, this is the Site Fights and people are always doing things like that for one another. But my curiosity was still piqued!

I replied again, another "thank you" to this very kind person.. telling them that I was so appreciative of all the lovely gifts and words being sent to me... especially since I wasn't hearing anything from my own Secret Cupid and that I thought they were an extraordinary person to share their Spirit in such a wonderful manner!


Then it happened!

On January 22, 1999 at 10:02.. I got this email.... (a reply from mine)... from My Secret Cupid!


OH WOW!!!!!!!!! WoooooooooooHooooooooooo I just heard from DPeace and she/he (not sure which :-) told me that I could be your secret cupid. They said:

~You sure can be DStarcatcher's Secret Cupid.. Have fun :o)


isn't that cool???? Now get ready to be spoiled rotten and here is your first gift.




I guess what I am really trying to say is.... Thank You, Secret Cupid! You are one the most amazing, sweet, kind, and generous person I do believe I have the good fortune to know and I would like this to be a tribute to you!
Thank you again for Sharing your Spirit with me... you literally GLOW!


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