Hello and welcome to the GOATS homepage.

Date Created: 18/10/99 - 4.20pm GMT

Last Updated: September 12th, 2006 - 20.46pm
And today's date is:
Rifts info
Necromunda Harkonnen Gang
Links Page
Rifts Rules Alterations
Hydra: The Pisstake

Q: What do you mean? What on earth are GOATS? Aren't they funny creatures who have horns and eat grass?


A: No. Although goats are indeed humourous herbivores, in the context of this site, GOATS is a cunningly constructed acronym.

GOATS stands for:

G aming

O organisation

A gainst

T iresome

S ystems

Unfortunately, due to time restrictions, that's all I can say right now. Please return when its a bit more complete.


11/06/2000 11.24pm
Right, here is the premise. This site was dedicated to deconstructing boring RPG's that rarely innovate. It is now a repository of vaguely pointless nonsense. If you found this site, congratulations! Enjoy.
03/11/2000 1.25pm
Ahhh... didn't get round to it. Try checking out this instead...

Harkonnen's Avengers

08/02/2002 2.27am
Ahh... never did update this site, did I? And it's been two long years... Well, it now serves another purpose... to hold the OCC / RCC info for this years Rifts game.

RIFTS Character Classes

09/01/2002 1.46am
And another update... now we have this here 'News' section and a navbar, plus the Rifts page has been updated. In addition to other minor updates across the site.
09/01/2002 1.47am
A goat has found it's way onto the Rifts page. Security guards are en-route, so don't panic and approach the goat the extreme caution.
11/01/2002 12.52am
A small addition today... you can now see the date is displayed below the 'Last Updated' bit at the top. Oh, the fun of Geocities HTML... ;)
12/01/2002 3.24pm
At last... a 'PM' time... a Links page has been added.
24/01/2002 1.16am
After a short hiatus the page is updated again - this time with the revised rules I will be using in this years Rifts game.

Rules Alterations

28/07/2002 1.24am
And after a huge hiatus the page gets some cosmetic modifications. I imagine the rules section will be updated sometime next year for next years Rifts game. So expect revisions for XP and Combat.
18/01/2004 1.36pm
Minor update... prizes to anyone who can find it.
10/04/2004 12.38am
Even smaller update!
19/10/2004 11.15pm
Welcome to the "Just over five years of the GOATS" website celebration! Yes, somehow this site has been operational for five long years and yet no-one appears to have even graced its pages once. Not even me! So heres to this site, which serves as a useful drop-off point for all the random crap I need to post to the net. Thanks for not looking, except me, and heres to another 4 years! Roll on 2009!!! W00t!

And as an extra-special treat, I have decided to finish and post the elusive and legendary "Hydra: The Pisstake" - the description of the lost World of Darkness setting and why all White Wolf games are crap. Only joking!

19/10/2004 11.15pm
Welcome to 2006! And this year features an earth-shattering update to the Hydra: The Pisstake page. The correction of a formatting error. Can you find it? Answers on a goat to: 1 Goat, Goat, Goat End

Oh, and the counter's might actually work now. After about seven years of trying. Fe4r my L33t haxx0r sk1llez!

12/09/2006 20.46am
Slight modifications all around... but that's all.


This amount of lost souls have somehow found this page:


Disclaimer: Goats are not my invention... and in fact they probably evolved from a myriad of other diverse lifeforms. Or were created on one of the six days for His amusement, depending on your religion. Or something else... BAH.

I am not challenging anyones belief system either. Nor am I giving people the excuse to suddenly change their entire outlook on life and religious leanings, and go off at really wierd tangents and renounce material wealth. You know who I'm referring to.

Harkonnen refers to the name of a Necromundan gang... and pay homage to the House presented in Frank Herbert's Dune series... which, obviously, I did not write.

And while I'm on, Rifts is a registered trademark of Palladium Books. That should keep Siembieda off my back ;)

Also, I would like to take this opportunity to say that I can write better HTML code than this... it's just I really can't be bothered. Sorry.

Any reference to goats, eels or toast are purely intentional (that's another in-joke).

"I am Unicron! Fear me! RAAAAAAAAAH!"