Welcome everyone! 
For those of you who are a little surprised I actually got around to making a webpage (and are secretly asking yourselves why I would) I have only one word: pictures.  You guys are always bugging me to send you pics, and I never get around to it.  This page is dedicated to saving me from certain death at your hands for never keeping a promise. Enjoy!

Take a look at the pics--you very well may be there yourself. That's actually not too likely...I broke my camera freshman year and haven't gotten the piece replaced yet. But finally there are pictures up!!!!!!
Updated September 20, 2002

Click Here

    The link's on the other side. Read a little sample of some of my writing. My best isn't here because of copyright issues, but what is here is some old stuff and a fun piece or two.

All praise the goddess! Tell me what's been going on in your life lately or how you like the pics (or if you just stand in awe of me and want to pay homage j/k ;-) ):

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Access the infamous FILE (Restricted Access)

Read a random assortment of things I consider amusing:

6.8.01 The Merlino Trial
7.12.01 A Handy Resource

Visit Elfwood

9.18.02 You Must Go Here!!!! Support THE PROJECT!!!!!!!!!!
3.17.03 The Famous and Hysterical Japanese Kikkoman Ad

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CREDITS (just 'cos I'm a good little girl):