Welcome to my undersea lab. Not everything here is an experiment, actually only the second link can even be vaguely thought of as one, but this is my homepage so I can call it whatever I want.

Bumbot: the Bloggering: HTML is too annoying for me to update on a regular basis. Enter the blog! This is where it will say something if this page ever gets updated.

Email Surveys: You know those fill-in-the-blank surveys that get passed around friends? I got sick of the generic ones so I made my own.

Beer Reviews: I haven't been able to find any good resources for reviews of beers available in British Columbia, so I decided to make my own.

My Roleplaying page: The bare bones for a couple of settings.

My life story: Abridged. Severely abridged. Certain things remain in the dark. (I am way too embarassed to mention anything about the girls I've known. Except this one.)

My Lego Page: Sets I have, sets I want, and sets I've built, complete with rant-like asides.

Fevered Dream of the Shadow Nuns: Have you ever been so delusional with sickness that reality warps around you and takes on bizarre Lovecraftian undertones, even though you're not asleep?

Links: Why does every website have a page like this? Can't you figure out anywhere to go on your own?