
Friends' Sites

The sleep deprived rambling demi-dog, or whatever - He doesn't call himself this anymore for some odd reason.

All things plaid - Jenn's (of "Jenn and I" fame) blogging site.

The Nexus - Another friend who blogs.

ArchDuke's Advice - My (not so) little brother's blog. The most prolific of all my blogging acquaintances.

Kalev Tait - I wonder who this page is about? A friend's online resume and demos.


Did I mention that I'm a Lego collector? Here's some of my favourite Lego links. - The official site!

From Bricks to Bothans - A site specializing in Star Wars Lego. An excellent source for news.

Lugnet - Also a good source for news.

The Minimizer - This is really cool. In fact, this is where I got the minifig pics on my site from.

Bricklink - If you want to buy bulk parts, minifigs or hard to find sets, this place is a must.

Gaming - This is a fantastic site for consumer reviews if you're not sure whether or not to buy a product you're interested in.

Star Wars RPG - I think D20 Star Wars was a good idea.

GURPS - I hardly play it anymore, but it's still one of my favourites.

Blue Planet - This is cool, I just wish they weren't so slow to release their sourcebooks.

White Wolf - This I haven't played in years, although I'd love to do some Mage. Personally I think all their World of Darkness stuff was better before they revised it.


Big Sugar - Currently my favourite band.

Darkest of the Hillside Thickets - Cthulhoid Music. Need I say more?

The Trews - They opened for Big Sugar, and they rocked.

Barenaked Ladies
- My favourite description of them is "hyperactive, whimsical and brooding at the same time."

Metallica - So many memories.

Geek Stuff

Star Wars - Anyone who knows me would wonder why this wasn't somewhere on my homepage if I left it out.

H*R - Yes, you are going there to see Strongbad.

- Poisson d'Avril!

Ninjai, the Little Ninja - More cartoons, but these ones are serious.

REALULTIMATEPOWER! - The place to get pumped while thinking of how totally sweet ninjas truly are.

Places I got files from

The Celtic Web Art Site

Vancouver Tourism Center

Discover Vancouver
