One evening, nearly a year ago I was starting to feel kind of sick, like I had a flu coming on. So being the rational person that I am, I put on my warmest pajamas, drank some orange juice and went to bed with a few extra blankets. I had actually been feeling flushed all day, and figured that I should be staying warm so as to sweat out whatever fever I had coming on. It was still rather early in the evening, so I wasn't particularly tired. However, even though I had trouble falling asleep, I figured that the best thing for me was to remain in bed, seeing as I had to work the next day, and couldn't afford to come down with something nasty.

    So I lay there, letting my mind wander. As the twilight progressed, the last rays of light that filtered through my blinds dimmed, and the house around me slowly grew silent as my family, one person at a time, decided to get ready for bed and go to sleep. Beneath the covers I was uncomfortably warm, and my head had begun to ache as though being crushed. Despite the perspiration I felt seeping out, I dared not remove myself from the sheets and allow cold to settle in. When at last all was completely dark and silent, I felt the wheels in my mind slow down, and I was thankful that sleep approached.

    Although I was now genuinely tired and realized a slipping of cognizance that foreshadows slumber, my eyes would not remain shut. Within the remaining pool of my nearly evaporated consciousness, I suddenly felt the need to be well rise in urgency. What had merely begun as precautionary measures took on overtones of violent competition, a burning conflict inside of me, producing my fever. What was I fighting? What was the nature of my hostile aggressor? What possible force would oppose my well being with such ferocious malevolence? I was thinking so slowly, these questions were nearly too sticky and viscous to formulate. Whatever was attacking my body was also attacking my brain. This could not be truly random. My enemy was not only evil, but also sentient. I realized that what I fought within myself was literally a demon, straight from hell.

"No. Leave me be."

    With this new understanding came more specific information on my internal guest. He was very small, the size of a virus, and needed a host to survive. However he could only feed if his host was an innocent girl or woman. What this demon fed on was fear and paranoia. If he inhabited the body of an innocent, she would undergo a transformation at night after she fell asleep. Her teeth and nails grew long and sharp, and her eyes glowed red with an ability to see were there was no light. Her cognitive abilities would be reduced to that of an animal, only instincts remaining. She would leave her home, searching for small animals, birds, rats, even small dogs and cats, and consume them violently, never eating more than half of the body. Once full, she would take the gruesome remaining entrails home with her, lay them at the foot of her bed and return to sleep. The next morning she would remember nothing and find her hands and face covered with blood and several small mangled corpses where she slept. The fear and uncertainty produced this way was what the demon thrived on. His favorite targets were the female priests of the catholic church, which was why he was called a Shadow Nun.

"I shall suppress you. You will never harm another woman again."

    A shadow nun could lay dormant within a man, but it was only temporary, until he could find a female host. If this new host was not pure, though, she would die once the demon attempted the transformation, and once again he would lay dormant and wait. There were two women in my house. My mother, who although is a very good woman, was by definition not innocent for having given birth. The other was my sister, and although I love her very much, she was too rough around the edges to be called innocent. If I allowed this demon within me to find either of them, they would die. I knew that I had to defeat it.

"You will not win."

    I knew that this was real; I did not even question the truth of the situation because I was so certain of what was transpiring. I would not allow myself to sleep, even though my eyes were finally able to remain heavily closed, even though I was exhausted and could barely think. I had to conquer this evil within me, and directed all of my will to destroying it. The focus of my concentration was sharp, and I clutched to it to remain awake. My languid brain gave me mantras to groggily mumble to keep my attention where it belonged. "You cannot not win. You shall be annihilated. I will force you down, back into hell. You cannot win..."

    For hours I lay still, willing down my foe, until slowly I felt the turmoil within me ease, and I allowed myself to sleep. At 5:00 am my alarm went off, and I rose in my bed. My head throbbed, my throat was raw, and my stomach felt entirely unstable, sending waves of nausea through my body. The fever, however had passed. I got dressed and went to work, doing my job as best I could for two hours, until someone showed up to replace me. I went home, to sleep peacefully and dreamlessly.

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