Welcome to the newbie (text) guide! *1* using compare *2* using assess Learn to use the and commands, since we can't all identify (and those who can, can only id equipment that are the same level as they are). *1* compares a weapon or piece of armor in your inventory to one that you are wearing (if you compare a helmet in your inven- tory, it will compare it with the helmet or headgear that you are wearing). [how to use it]: in your inventory you have "bastard sword" you are wielding "a pewter practice sword" Type---> compare bastard or compare sword It will say: a bastard sword looks (better/worse/ about the same as a pewter practice sword {LOOK}: [1] the compare command is sometimes wrong (very rarely) [2] the compare command compares weapon averages and not hitroll or damroll [3] the compare command compares non-weapons by armor class *2* Assess tells you the weight and material of an item in your inventory. A valuable tool in exploiting the weaknesses of monsters, and finding weapons to dual wield. [how to use it]: in your inventory you have "flail" Type---> assess flail It will say: It weighs about 5 pounds and is made of steel. {LOOK}: [1] to dual wield a weapon, it must be lighter than the weapon you are already wielding, use ASSESS to find out how much they weigh! (if two weapons weigh 0 pounds than you can wield two of em'!)