Within the next week or two, you'll be able to buy INFAMA #1 at your comic shop (and if your local comic shop doesn't have it, ask the owner to order a copy or two).
This was originally planned as a three issue mini-series, but a number of events caught up with us, and for now, INFAMA #1 is an "orphan" comic book.
But only for now.
There's still plenty of story to be told. After all, there's Infama's fight with the Sisterhood, a close look at the inner workings of the Sisterhood, the rise of the Last Line as a major force, and something about the origin of someone's gem.
So the good news is that the rest of Infama's story will be told. In fact, we're still hunting around for an artist.
But the bad news is that there will be a bit of wait before we can provide a follow-up to INFAMA #1. This is why we referred to it as an "orphan" earlier.
Here's where you can help us. When we're able to put together the rest of the story, in what format do you want it done? Shall we continue the mini-series format, releasing INFAMA #2 and #3 (thereby risking the Dreaded Second Issue Sales Drop)?
OR shall we wrap up the story in a single 48 page comic, with a spiffy title which allows us to make it another #1 (uh oh ... who let in the marketing mavens)?
Thanks to the folks at Pollit, you can let us know how you feel by selecting an option:
All characters on this page are Copyright © 1998 Catfish Comics
Visitors since October 2, 1998!