
Prometheorg City-State Leorg City-State Feliorg City-State

Terrain and Climate: Temperatures range from -10 to 30 degrees Fahrenheit in the winter and 70 to 95 degrees Fahrenheit in the summer. While the territory immediately south of Prometheorg is mountainous, and swarmlands beyond that, the land to the north is fertile and flat, perfect farmland. Besides the ruins of Richmond and several other cities, the northern territory is a land of forrests, lakes, and rivers.

Land Area: The ARMOR City-State is based around the 3 major cities or Orgs as the Martians call them (short for Organizations); Prometheorg, Feliorg, and Leorg, and several outlying towns and forts. Prometheorg was constructed from the crashed wreckage of the battler Princeps, the landed Prometheus, and the city of Danville, Virginia which the ships had landed and crashed in. While the Princeps has been completely salvaged and turned into several of the tallest buildings, the Prometheus remains relatively intact as the Citadel of the city. While it will never fly again, its power systems provide power to most of the city, and its operational weapon systems provide protection from both air targets and targets in its artillery range. The two outlying Orgs, Feliorg and Leorg, are based around the same model. The only difference is that in these cities, the salvaging of the two cruisers is much more complete. Other than a Landing Park to commemorate where the cruisers crashed down, nothing remains of the two ships. They have been completely incorporated into the surrounding buildings and fortifications.