The Logan Veritech Fighter is principally used by the Armies of the Southern Cross. Often described as the rowboat jet, this fighter has none of the graceful looks of the Alpha. However, in some respects, the Logan is easier to pilot than the Alpha. For this reason, quite a few were included with REF mecha force. The mecha only has two modes: Jet Fighter and Guardian Mode. The Guardian Mode is limited in its amount of movement and capability. However, while in Guardian mode it is capable of using the ancient defensive weapon, the shield. It is equipped with especially tough shields built onto each arm. If the shields are depleted the Logan will no longer be capable of flight. The Logan may also be equipped with up to 8 short range or 4 medium range missiles. However, once mounted, the mecha may not change forms until the missiles have either been expended or dropped. The Logan is equipped with laser reflective armor.
Vehicle Type: Veritech Fighter
Crew: One. One passenger can be placed in back.
M.D.C. by Location:
Cockpit - 150
Tail Fins (2) - 20 each
Arms (2) - 50 each
Legs (2) - 100 each
Hands (2) - 30 each
Engines (2) - 100 each
Shoulders (2) - 20 each
Wings\Shields (2) - 300 each
Main Body - 150
Note: All armor is laser reflective, and takes half damage from all laser weapons.
Speed: Jet Mode: Mach 4.6
Jet Cruising Speed: About Mach 1
Guardian Mode: Hover stationary to Mach 1
Height: 7' 5" in jet mode
12' in Guardian Mode
Main Engine: MT 842 Fusion Reactor\Protoculture Cells
1. Twin Forward Lasers: Located on both sides of the fuselage, these lasers fire simultaneous blasts that count as one attack. Can be used in either mode.
Primary Purpose: Assault\Defense
Range: 4000ft
Mega-Damage: 6D6 MD per twin blast
Rate of Fire: Equal to number of attacks
Payload: Effectively Unlimited
2. Tri-cannon: Located on the nose of the Logan. Can be used in either mode.
Primary Purpose: Assault\Defense
Range: 8000ft
Mega-Damage: 1D6*10 MD
Rate of Fire: Equal to number of attacks
3. E-20 Gun Pod: Located on the belly in jet mode, it becomes the handgun in Guardian Mode.
Primary Purpose: Assault
Range: 4000ft
Mega-Damage: 1D4*10 MD
Rate of Fire: Equal to number of attacks
4. (Optional) Missile Pods: These are placed on the wings in either Guardian or jet mode. Once placed, the Logan may not change forms until the pods have been dropped or expended.
Primary Purpose: Assault
Range: Varies with missile type
Mega-Damage: Varies with missile type
Rate of Fire: 2,4, or 8 per volley
Payload: 8 short-range missiles or 4 medium-range missiles
5. Hand to Hand Combat:
Punch - 1D4 MD, Body Block - 1D6 MD, Kick - 1D4 MD
The Logan, just like the AJACS, cannot be used with regular CVR-3 body armor. Only Southern Cross standard armor will fit. There is enough space to fit in the standard Space Booster.