the world
revolves around me the world
revolves around me

My Personal "Star Trek", "X-Files", and "Pinky and the Brain" Page


My name is Paula. This is my own little home on the Web.
Feel free to take any graphics you like.

Wow. ::blink:: It's been about a year since this site was last updated. But you know what that means... Summer has rolled around again and I now actually have *time* to waste on things like this. On top of that, I just graduated high school, so I have four years of free time coming up -- College! So expect me to keep updating this page as often as possible. I'm gonna shoot for bi-monthly, but it may be more or less often than that.

All Things Star Trek

The Truth is Here

Are You Pondering What I'm Pondering?

I've adopted!

Stop Kitty Porn!

Fight Back!

Finally, the Sequel to Kitty Lick II!!

A portion of the proceeds goes to help Violent Nerds Against Kitty Porn.

Don't forget to sign my Guestbook!
Or go check out the other entries!

Do what the buttons say and no one get's hurt.

Find any bugs? Any broken icons? Broken links? Well, let me know!


(but we do it anyway)

Tobacco companies have our children in mind!

Visit my firend lis at The Freak Show!

Thank you to everyone who has visited my site in the last year!
I Love Ya Baby!!

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Look, I've won Awards!

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Copyright 1997 MelonBall

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