AliRPG: The Web Site: About Us
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About Us

Well, there's a lot to tell you about us *G* First of all, I mean "us" as the RPG as a whole; that includes evertone Plot Planters to our Loyal Lurkers, and of course your fantastic GM, me *WEG* Here's, really, a bunch o' stuff you might want to sift through, just to get a handle on what we're about!

What We're Based On

The AliRPG is based on the web site, Aliroo Headquarters. I began the site mostly because I wanted to give out more information on the Aliroos as a species. Later, I realized that my site was getting a lot of hits; a lot more than I had suspected! I actually then found out my site even had a few fans *sheepish grin* During this time, I was involved in a few miscellaneous PBeMs, all involving my character, Blu Flyer. Well, it was inevitable; all the RPGs eventually discovered Blu was not a human, or a Xanthy, or a lycanthrope for that matter; she was an Aliroo! I want to give a special thanks to the members of Team MissingNAME and ZQL who joined up off the bat, helping me kick-start the AliRPG! I couldn't have done it without you! =D Steadily the RPG inched forward, and with a big shock-plot from the Kadith, it really began to move along.

Where it All Happens

Because of the TDT (Trans-Dimentional Transporter), Aliroos are capable of travelling anywhere. This means they can transport, or "flash", to your favorite fantasy world. Trips to Amber, Lylat, Hyrule, Coruscant, Xanth, The World of Pokémon (lovingly called PokéWorld) and Pern are all possibilities. This gives players in the AliRPG lots of flexibility; their character can start out in an environment the player is comfortable with. So far, most of our threads have taken place on ¤, the Aliroo homeworld, PokéWorld (most of our players are PokéFans), and Lylat.

What We Do

To put it in simple words, we write stories involving our characters and other characters, moving them around in an imaginary environment, and pretty much getting them into trouble *G* In BETTER words;

we role-play!

We create a character, we give them a name, and we introduce them to the Aliroos. Then, we get them involved in sometimes complex plots, letting them play around in those worlds of book series that ended, in the worlds of movie series that were concluded... it is a LOT of fun. Say you're a fan of the Star Fox series. Well, so am I (and a few other members of the list)! My main character is pretty well-known in Lylat, along with most of my other chars. The Lylat system has been the subject of many SLs in this RPG so far, and so have your friends Fox, Falco, Peppy and the rest! Say you're a fan of the Apprentice Adept series by Anthony? Sure! Maybe your Aliroo character has been posing as a Citizen in Proton for the past ten years! Get your char involved with others (Blu Flyer can always use more friends! =P), and then get 'em in trouble for plot value *G* If you're still curious as to what I'm talking about, check out this example!

And besides RPing, the AliRPG is an open-forum email list. Expect mail from this list that isn't Role-Playing. The members of the AliRPG have wide interests; from Star Trek to Star Wars to Star Fox. If you're stuck in Zelda 64, ask and you'll get an answer. If you're a fan of anime, you've found a handful of kindred spirits. If you want tips on how to beat your younger brother at Super Smash Brothers, by all means, ask! =) Some days we get over 20 posts that have nothing to do with the current SL, it might just be a couple members joking about the last episode of Saturday Night Live *G*

What We're Like

As the List Keeper, I am proud to say that the players in the AliRPG are fantastic. We have on our list creative, funny, intelligent and excellent writers (even if some of us can't spell right ^.~). The people on this list know how a storyline works, how it has to be executed and when they need to be serious, but they're also just really fun people to be around. If you mess up, merge, or accidentally do something, don't kick yourself... these guys'll just laugh with ya and help you get it figured out. I'm just grateful that they're all willing to be on the list =P Thanks guys!

As for ME... Well, I'm supposed to be the GM, aren't I? hehe.. I've been told I'm a good GM & LK. Let me warn you about me. I don't have a lot of rules on this list, and I'm not insulted easily. HOWEVER, the rules on this page are there for a reason. I'm dead serious about these rules; exceptions won't be tolerated (unless I really like you ^.~). I have been known to explode in people's faces if they tip me off, and believe me, on most points that's extremely hard to do. But these rules are rules I live by, and since this is my list, expect me to enforce them =)

Why We're Here

The AliRPG is, IMO, an excellent place to stretch your imagination and creativity. With this RPG, you can head out anywhere you like and RP; no one's gonna stop you! This list is here for those people who just love to write, read, and Role-Play in a warm environment.

Putting it All Together

If you're looking for a place to expand your creative horizons, create a character and send them visit places you've only read, seen, or heard about, this is the place. If you're willing to be a friendly face, follow the rules and above all, have a blast, visit the join page and hook up! We'd love to see you there!