After walking through the forest for about half an hour, seeing dozens of deformed monsters and beautiful creatures, you reach a town. The air here is still biterly cold and you yearn for a warm bath and a hot meal. Looking around, you see that everyone in this town seems to be in a bit of a panic. You turn to ask Myst why, only to see him disappear behind a blanket of shadows and a swirl of mist. Now alone, you decide to look around.

You are adventurer # to enter Murkwood. Leaving is a totally different matter =)

The first thing you notice is a young boy, screaming at the top of his lungs, about one hundered yards in front of you. He is the town cryer, shouting out all the recent news and gossip.

A path to you left leads up to some type of temple. After asking someone that was running past, you learn that that your looking at is the Temple of the Past.

Come and hear stories of great quests, evil monsters of satan and everything else imaginable. You even get to tell the story!

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Looked at everything that may be looked at in Murkwood? Well here are a few other great places you may want to visit!

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