Greetings. You have fallen upon the page of the Worshipers of Mog. We believe Mog is our Savior, our God, the One and Only, the Everything, the Creator, teh Rular of teh Planet. Mog is depicted much like this picture here:


















Mog is our guide; He advises us and keeps us protected with His dances. Mog expects us to live out our own lives as we please, and to honour Him by dancing, dancing, and revolving (in that order).

He has bestowed upon us the nectar of pure bliss, known to us mortals as blue raspberry.  Consuming this exquisite flavour fills your body and soul with happiness and dyes the tongues of the faithful a brilliant blue.

Anyone can be a Mog Worshiper; He does not discriminate towards His children. If you don't believe in Mog, then you will burn in hell that is your choice. You will only gain a better understanding of how brainwashing organized religion is by becoming a Mog Worshiper. A deity is not something to base you entire life around. He/She is a mere guide for your life that you actually have to live yourself.


To help spread the word of Mog, He has sent angelic assistants known as Moogles to Earth.  They resemble the Great Creator, but only in form, and they are pure of heart.  They will help all faithful who call upon them.

As Mog Worshipers, we revitalize our faith on the last Thursday of every March with a day centered around the primary rituals of Mogdom.  This includes dancing, dancing, revolving, drinking of the nectar of pure bliss,

and reviewing Mog’s role in our lives.

For more insight on Mog or the Moogles; or information about how to please Mog; play the games of Mog: Final Fantasy III, IX, and Crystal Chronicles.  Or you can visit DDR Freak for more information on

dancing, dancing, and revolving.  The founders of this new age faith, Ashley and Kaitlyn, are also always contactable at and .







May Mog's dance save us all.