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Xerxes Starfire

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Wondering where we're going? Well, read on.

Journey with me as I explore strange worlds where the impossible is possible and reality is a state of mind, where a good night's sleep can lead to eternal torment, or where the future is the present and the present is ancient history.

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Starfire Reviews, the Reviews Archive, and the Cosmic Tomes Bazaar will
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receive irregular updates. All other pages are works in progress.

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07/01/2003: Gomen! I know, I promised to have new reviews and stuff for June 16, and here it's July 1 and I still don't have anything. All I can say is that my vacation has NOT been a vacation. I'll try to get something new up soon. After all, I have the next Harry Potter book to review, along with a new Preston-Child novel and several enjoyable anime. I'll try to get something up soon, and if I don't, then feel free to e-mail me to complain. Sometimes I need that extra urging. Catch you later!
Many thanks to Greywolf the Wanderer for the latest award, as well as for the swell new banner! Feel free to use it if you link back to my site!

I need help! Anyone know how to set things up so that a lot less bandwidth is used as people browse through the site? All I can think of is making certain that all pages open new windows, but I know not everybody likes that. Help!
Hey, I can see that most of you are here because of the fantasy reviews or anime galleries,
but please give the other pages a chance, too, okay?--XS

Many thanks to "Cola Boy" at The Outer Rim for his review of my site.
You can read his thoughts on it at The Review.

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Bookmarks are welcome, but please don't link to any of the "Tomes" pages in
Starfire Reviews as the URLs will remain the same but the reviews will not.
Wait until they appear in the Starfire Review Archives under their permanent URLs.

This page posted April 10, 1998.

Last updated April 1, 2003

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