These movies are in 2 versions, large & small. It is the same movie in each category, but at a smaller download time. Thanks to CNN for letting me use their server.
Jabba & Han in Docking bay 94(small)(1.2M)(at CNN)
Jabba & Han in Docking bay 94(large 4.2M)(at CNN)
Han, Luke & Obi Wan leave Mos Eisley(small 1.2M)(at CNN)
Han, Luke & Obi Wan leave Mos Eisly(large 4M)(at CNN)
Han & Luke rescue Leia from Death Star(small 1.3M)(at CNN)
Han & Luke rescue Leia from Deathstar(large 4.3M)(at CNN)
X-wings attack the Death Star(small 1.6M)(at CNN)
X-wings attack the Death Star(large 5M)(at CNN)
Clip from The Empire Strikes back(small 610k)(at CNN)
Clip from The Empire Strikes back(large 2.1M)(at CNN)
Clip from Return of the Jedi(small 951k)(at CNN)
Clip from Return of the Jedi(large 4.2M)(at CNN)