CAPTIVE Blue angel of stubble fields filled with spiders' poison. Arachnids spill from drowning mouth. Wild, bristling legs wild words she gurgles. Child of deceptions blue-skinned captive. Strangely entangled in webwork of terror. Mysteries perverted the meadows' chill slumber. Now evil awakened through human intention. The rotting of new skin slow eating of hearts. Blue angel of oozing—yellow haired savioress. Scissored with insects odd wounds of unnature. The multi-eyed order of criminal violence. The many-eyed ranking of death- spinning watchers. This I have witnessed a man with a jaw bone in twilight gray passage in morning cold shadow a man in a wheelchair her body ripped naked. Half frozen in dewdrops. In salt shards, in teardrops. Her lips, bleeding bubbles. Her lips edged in ice. — David Sparenberg
You'll find a short story
by David Sparenberg online here.
All rights to this poem belong to its author.