Thursday May 16th, 2002

Three years of waiting... paid off big time. If you have not seen Attack of the Clones by now, go! Watch it many times, the movie is incredible! George Lucas goes above and beyond anything else he has ever created in this his fifth Star Wars film.
I updated my Image Galleries section with some Episode 2 pics, and I took down the other galleries I had on there just to clean up as I prepare to thoroughly update the section with original trilogy images, computer art, etcetera. Hopefully all that will be available for you soon.
Check out the new fanfiction section, and if you have any fanfiction (or fan art), please submit them to me so they can be placed on this site for Star Wars fans all over the world to view!

Image credit to Niub Niub

- 11.25.02
New flash parody

- 9.10.02
Episode II coming to IMAX

- 8.02.02
Episode II release date

- 6.25.02
More Episode III hints

- 6.13.02
New toys unleashed

- 6.06.02
Figure prices dropping?

- 6.06.02
Jedi Outcast tournament

- 5.30.02
Wal-Mart sweepstakes

- 5.29.02
TIE pilot costume

- 5.22.02
Episode 2 DVD

- 5.22.02
George Lucas on Episode III

- 5.20.02
AOTC Easter eggs

- 5.20.02
Star Wars in Foxtrot

- 5.16.02
TFHB reviews Episode II

- 5.16.02
AOTC wallpaper added

- 5.14.02
Celebration 2 pictures and costumes

- 5.04.02
Fanfilm Award Winners

- 4.30.02
AOTC commercials online

- 11.6.01
Featured Download

Star Wars Flash Parody
For those of you who have not seen it already, here is a link to the newest Star Wars animated movie built by Catatomic. It details Anakin's account of his path to the dark side, and is called
Dark Side Switch Campaign.

In seventy theaters November 1st. Read all about it

Episode II Release Date Announced has announced the official release date for Episode 2: Attack of the Clones. The DVD and VHS will be realeased November 12th, with the DVD available in both widescreen and full screen. For more details (pictures, specs, etc.), visit the
announcement on the official Star Wars site.

More From Lucas on Episode III
Here are some more of George Lucas' revelations of what we can expect in Episode III. Of course, what he says is not terribly revealing, but is still more than I would expect from George this early. The following are excerpts from Starlog:

Lucas on Qui-Gon Jinn’s voice in Episode II:
STARLOG: And isn’t that Qui-Gon Jinn’s [Liam Neeson] voice we hear during Anakin’s attack on the Tusken Raiders who killed Shmi Skywalker [Pernilla August]?
LUCAS: That’s a fan thing, isn’t it? It’s actually more than that. It’s a plot point. All I can really say is that you’ll find out [more] in the next film. If you thought really hard, you would probably be able to figure it out, but it really is a set-up for the next film. It’s connected with the whole ability to be brought into and become a part of the Force, but still be able to retain YOUR ability – which, up to this point, Anakin couldn’t do. We talked to Liam about [recording new dialogue], and we went back and forth [about it]. This [dialogue] is something we already had [from Menace]. Next time will be a little more complicated.
Lucas on Boba Fett:
“Boba WILL be in Episode III, but his role definitely won’t be larger. He’s in a transition period of becoming a bounty hunter. The next film takes place two or three years later, so Boba would only be 13 and still wouldn’t fit in the suit.
Lucas on killing Samuel L. Jackson’s character, Mace Windu:
“Sam’s a little concerned that I make it nice and dramatic. It won’t be in the movie’s first scene.”
Lucas on Darth Vader:
STARLOG: What of all the plot threads and character tidbits that remain to be tied up in Episode III are you – the guy who created this whole universe – most excited to get on film?
LUCAS: The scene where Anakin does actually become Vader is pretty good [as written in Lucas’ Episode III outline]. I mean, I like it. It’s a little in the vocabulary of…I don’t know how much I want to give away…but it’s in the vocabulary of a time – of the 1930s and 1940s. It’s a pretty neat little thing, I think, and hopefully it’s going to work.
STARLOG: Will we see more of Anakin or Darth Vader in Episode III?
LUCAS: It’s mostly Anakin.

Darth Maul and Jango Fett Unleashed
Two new Star Wars collectible figures have been released,
Jango Fett Unleashed and Darth Maul Unleased, and are available at for only $15.99. Use the following coupon code for $5 off: CHNKBKAMZNLT. The figures look great!

Figure Prices On the Drop?
Reports are coming in that the prices of Star Wars figures are dropping... from the original price of approximately $6 to $5. Unfortunately, this appears to be happening only in select Wal-Mart and Target stores.

Jedi Outcast Contest
Gateway stores are holding a nationwide Jedi Outcast tournament in which the champion will net $25,000. I could use that kind of money, and you can to, so why not enter and get paid big bucks for playing your favorite game? Here's the official word:

Gateway, Inc. (NYSE: GTW - News) today announced a grand prize of $25,000 for the top finisher in The Gateway Challenge gaming tournament to be held June 22-30 at Gateway stores nationwide. The tournament features the popular Star Wars Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast game from LucasArts Entertainment Company LLC. In cooperation with Intel, NVIDIA, and LucasArts, Gateway is hosting the free coast-to-coast tournament with over $60,000 in prizes going to top finishers in two age groups. Registration is underway for the tournament to be held in all 274 Gateway stores beginning Saturday, June 22. Players must be 13 years of age or older to participate. The competition looks to be fierce with more than 5,000 players already registered. Interested competitors should visit for official rules and registration information.
"We're eager to welcome thousands of game players into our stores to play this best selling game on our Gateway 700 X, a great gaming machine," said Bart Brown, senior vice president, Gateway products and solutions group. "Gateway is unique in being able to host a nationwide tournament like the Gateway Challenge. Gaming enthusiasts know Gateway provides them with the latest in top quality gaming systems at great value."
Prizes will be awarded in two age categories: 13-24 and 25 and up. In each age group, prizes ranging in value from $400 to $5,000 will be presented. The overall winner will receive the grand prize consisting of $25,000, an NVIDIA jacket and an NVIDIA GeForce4 Ti 4600 video card.
Participants will compete on LucasArts' best selling Star Wars Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast game -- a dynamic action experience that continues the saga of the once powerful Jedi Knight, Kyle Katarn, as he struggles with the power -- and dangers -- of the Force. The graphics-intensive game will be played on a Gateway 700 X desktop PC with an Intel® Pentium® 4 processor and an NVIDIA GeForce4 Ti 4600 video card.
Starting on June 22, contestants will be allowed to compete once each day during the competition, with only their best score counting toward the final ranking in their age group. Players will be presented their scores upon completion of their game and can view tournament standings at . To find the store nearest you, visit or call 1-800-Gateway®. No purchase necessary(1).

Wal-Mart Star Wars Sweepstakes
Star Wars collectors and enthusiasts, take note. Wal-Mart, Yahoo, and Hasbro are sponsoring a Star Wars sweepstakes contest, in which a grand prize winner will receive a Philips home entertainment system, and first through third prize winners will receive various Star Wars toys or collectibles. To see official rules and details, and to register in the sweepstakes, hurry over to the sweepstake's
official site.

TIE Pilot Costume By Isaac Matoo
At Celebration II, one of my favorite costumes was a TIE Fighter pilot's uniform, designed and worn by Isaac Matoo. He has sent me pictures of his excellent costume, and they are on display in this week's
gallery of the week.

Episode II DVD
Though the actual date is uncertain, the Attack of the Clones DVD will be released in middle to late November. Though there is still plenty of time to see Episode II many more times in theatres this summer, fans will be eager to own the DVD, whether it be to pause the frame or go back several frames in a hunt for those easter eggs they just can't seem to find. Better still, there may even be some deleted scenes that did not appear in the final theatre cut, such as Padme's address to the Senate opposing the creation of an Army of the Republic, Jocasta Nu telling Obi-Wan about the Twenty Lost Jedi, Anakin's remorse for his butchery of the Tuskens, Padme and Anakin's trial on Geonosis, Padme's scenes with her family on Naboo, Dooku trying to convince Padme to join the Separatists, Ki-Adi Mundi and Plo Koon blowing up a Trade Federation Control Core, Anakin and Obi-Wan being turned away from the Coruscant bar by a bouncer and Obi-Wan using a Jedi mind trick on him, Yoda telling Padme that she is strong with the Force and Anakin teasing her about having Force powers, and many other scenes.

George Lucas on Episode III
In the latest Star Wars Insider publication, in response to a question about whether major original trilogy characters would make appearances in Episode III (May 2005), Lucas answered:

"There are some, if I can fit them in, but I won't say who they are. Some key characters are scheduled to be fit in if I can make it work. They are not so integral to the story--it's really done to say, 'Oh look, there's so-and-so.'"

So the door is not closed, and it should not be surprising to see the appearance of some characters... perhaps Han Solo or Chewbacca?

Episode 2 Easter Eggs
Here's an early list of little details and hidden gems to look for next time you see Attack of the Clones. The list is small right now, but soon a full list will be made available.

Qui-gon's voice during Anakin's butchery of Tuskens "Anakin! Anakin!... Noooo!!!"
Jango's head flies out of helmet... shadow visible
Three predecessors to millenium falcon at Naboo spaceport
4 shots of death star in background in war room on Geonosis
Absence of chairs at end of movie signifying deaths of many Jedi
Millenium falcon on Coruscant rooftop as Anakin and Padme leave
George Lucas in Senate after JarJar's speech, bottom right hand side above Rodians
Lucas' bust in library, third to the right of Jocasta Nu
Shaak as an asteroid
People in nightclub playing darts on JarJar's face
Yoda calls a padawan "Liam"

AOTC in Foxtrot
Bill Amend, creator of Foxtrot, has created many Star Wars-themed strips in the past. Here's a good one from Sunday for Attack of the Clones.

TFHB Reviews Episode II
To head into the theatre at midnight for the premiere of Star Wars:Episode II, drowned in spoilers and practically knowing everything that would happen in the movie, and to still get absolutely blown away spells a completely remarkable movie...
Read Garindan's review...

Attack of the Clones Wallpaper
The Multimedia section has been updated with three Attack of the Clones wallpaper collections. These wallpapers have been submitted from various artists using Episode 2 footage.

Celebration 2 Pictures
Celebration 2 is well over, and people all over the internet are scrambling for pictures of the event, and particularly of the costumes. And many great costumes there were. I have rounded up some links to the best sites provided by Celebration-goers, displaying the pictures they took at the event. Below is one of my favorites... an Imperial TIE Fighter pilot. If you have a collection of Celebration 2 pictures that you want to share,
e-mail me and let me know.
A Fan's View - In my opinion the best collection
Mirax's Star Wars Fan Site - From contest winner Lady Maul
Dex1138's Community - Star Wars celebrity pictures

Fanfilm Award Winners
Atom Films and Lucasfilm announced the winners of the Star Wars Fanfilm contest at Celebration 2 this morning. Winners were announced in ten different categories, judged by internet fans, people at the Skywalker Ranch, and George Lucas himself. Some of the winners will be featured on the Sci-fi chanel. You can view the winning films, as well as all the entries, at
AtomFilm's contest site.

AOTC TV Commercials Online has made the AOTC television commercials available in Quicktime format for download on the web. They have twelve right now, organized by character or event. If, like me, you have not seen these on television yet, what are you waiting for? Head over and check them out!.

Featured Download: A Fett Christmas
Head over to
the official Star Wars site to view their animated Christmas greeting: A Fett Christmas, featuring Boba and Jango Fett!
Download Green Cross Vader by 2Mpeter
Thomas Lee's Star Wars Gangsta Rap
Download Sabacc (210KB)

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by Brian Mardiney - Star Wars Search Engine