- Locations:
- Home, Pennsylvania
- Sheriff Taylor's residence, 3 Sweetgum Lane
- According to Mulder's watch, the time as he picks up the baseball is about 8:01 or 11:40am,
depending on which is the longer hand (it's hard to tell).
- Compression marks indicate the shovel blade to be approximately 6 and 3/4 inches; angle
of movement and deeper indentation on the right side of the mark suggests a left-handed individual.
- Home's population is a few hundred.
- Mulder's childhood activities: All-day pick-up games out in the Vineyard, ride bikes down the beach,
eat baloney sandwiches (all done with Samantha).
- The car wreck was about ten years ago, the Peacock house was built during the Civil War.
- The toothpaste in the sheriff's bathroom is labeled "Fluoride."
- Among the diseases that the baby had: Neu-Laxova Syndrome, Meckel-Gruber Syndrom,
Exstrophy of the cloaca
- George Raymond Peacock, approx. age 30, Sherman Nathaniel Peacock, approx. age 26;
Edmund Creighton Peacock, approx. age 42.
- Scully asks about abandoned vehicles in the last 6 to 8 months; she asks in regard to the
white Cadillac they saw in the Peacock yard.
- The song that is playing in the Peacock's car is "Wonderful! Wonderful!" by Johnny Mathis;
however, this version was sung by a Mathis-sound-a-like.
- The radio station is approx. either 96 FM or 750 AM.
- Look out Peacocks, you're on my hit list.
- Mulder's car license: 7L9 840
- The woman owner of the Cadillac was found in Baltimore, she had left it after it ran out of gas
at the 119.
- Lab results: Mulitple maldistribution, chromosomal breakage, maldivision of the centromere;
cells would have had to divide triple-fold in metaphase.
- Scully's nephew, whom she babysat the past weekend, watches "Babe" 15 times a day.
I watch it once a month.
- The Home Crier: "Elvis Presley dead at 42."
- Number of shots fired by Mulder and Scully in the Peacock house: Mulder--2 (but
once at the ceiling), Scully--10 ( I think all at the elder one.)
- Note: I am going to start 1) an anti-Peacock org and/or 2) A Sheriff Taylor, Mrs. Taylor,
and Deputy Paster memorial.
Visual Documentation:
Fan remarks, contributed by ZRadtke:
A question we would like to comment on, and that we didn't see on your page, was any mention about the mother giving birth or the disgusting regurgitation or incest within the home. The part that my cousin, another devoted fan, noticed is that when the episode starts out, Mrs. Peacock, the attractive woman that she is, is giving birth. If you noted some of the utensils on the table to help with the delivery, one was particularly disgusting, if you give it some thought. A fork. Sitting on the table, next to the big, disgusting bowl, was a scissors and fork. We were really pondering whether a fork was the proper tool for delivery. Obviously, the Peacocks were a little off the beaten track for normalcy, but still! A fork. This wasn't a picnic, this was a delivery, for pete's sake. I just wanted to comment on how absolutely disgusting that was and after 2 seasons, that is still a landmark episode. Rather interesting. Also, Mulder's humor about this episode was also quite amusing. Such as how the Peacock boys "didn't get out much" or about how Scully's future husband better have "a tolerance for being second guessed". It was a monumental episode.
Did I miss something? Would you like to contribute a detail? Please fill out this form.
Or would you like to add some visual documentation? If so, please send the images to MaritaSRSG@aol.com with the subject
line as "Home Visual Documentation." Thank you so much!