- Sarah Michelle Gellar is a Freak!

Contrary to popular belief, Sarah Michelle Gellar is a freak. How she managed to win first place in 'FHM's 100 sexiest women' is a miracle. As this following photo shows, she is hideously deformed. Whenever she appears on 'Buffy' she has stand-ins for all the parts of her that are in the wrong place.

Her deformeties are blatant, as to how no-one else but me has noticed this is beyond me.
Although she does have a pretty face, her bod betrays her. I am shocked to discover this, and had doubts about this pictures reallity. Again, this comes from the Lone gunwomen and they are renowned for supplying genuine photographs. Its written on their C:V so it must be true.

Why she plays the part of Buffy is unusual, one would have though that she would be part of a circus freak show in the house of horrors, along with other such freaks - 'Trixie, the Giraffe necked girl' and 'MP Robin Cook'. 1