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Whispering wind

Breathing is the way of the wind in your body.
This card can be devastating when used at the right time.
Errata :
* The "this gift" in the damage effect is self-referrential. It is the same as if the card had been worded: Your combat cards gain: "Mid-Combat (In): If you damaged your opponent last round, discard this gift to make your opponent play his next Combat card face up before you choose your card." [07/15/99 -mf]
* If you use this gift when you are going to have initiative, you must declare whether or not you are playing a card. Then your opponent chooses his/her defense card, and then you *must* play an attack/flex card. This card does *not* let you see your opponent's defense card and then choose not to play one. [07/15/99 -mf]