Quamps discount fan fiction site.

Some Marvel Comics scripts and a few others. . .

I am moving!!

New site is http://quamp.deviantart.com

There will be no new stuff here anymore; but I'll keep the site around just so you can see how bad I used to be. :\

An Open apology to Dallas Animefest
The Dreaded Disclaimer
An explanation of the site.
An index of Non-Marvel related items.
Manga Stuff What's new on the site?

Marvel Section
Index to Deadpool stories
The Generation X stories
Group X Stories - A new team and characters created by me!
Note: Since Marvel is coming out with their own Team X, I've changed the name from Team X to Group X. Yea, it's lame, so if you've got a better one, e-mail me.
Various other stories (Elektra, X-Force, etc.)

The MiSTings

***Notice: I am putting together a list of people who have died and came back. this is a very incomplete list and I need your help!

Take my Survey - please!

Take my Marvel quiz from below hell!

* Warning: these scripts are somewhat long and will take awhile to download. They're more than worth the wait, though!

My page that sucks!!

My commentary on the Worst of the Web- there's a lot of horrible sites out there. See how I comment on a few of them.

Member of the Comic Sites Alliance

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Ubiquitous page-hit counter/guestbook:

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Guestbook by Guestworld

You are visitor # Since my last counter crashed with 3528 hits on it.(February 12, 2000).

Felix the cat is not owned by Marvel but by persons unknown.

Submit your artwork or scripts to me! I'm really looking for someone to put my words with pictures!

The Rings I belong to Check 'em out!

Look! This site has won an award!

Links to other sites on the Web

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Other fine links
The official Wally Pleasant Site

E-Mail: quamp8@hotmail.com I'd really like to hear it if you like this site.

© 2000 quamp8@hotmail.com