Welcome to Katie's
"New & Improved" Webpage!
I have tried to fight against the powers that be (namely, Yahoo/Geocities), but, alas, 'tis no avail.  They will no longer permit me to use the tools to which I have been accustomed.  They took away the "EZ Loader", the only homepage-building tool I knew how to use!  So, now that they have deleted that, thus rendering my OLD page useless, I am forced to make a new website using a tool called "Page Builder."  This will be an on-going process, so please bear with me.  I thank you.
Before I send you off into a perilous realm of links and pictures, how about I tell you a bit about myself?  If you insist, I shall.  You insist?  Very well, then!  Here we go:
     I was born on cold wint'ry morning to Mr. & Mrs. Northenscold [two parents who were very happy to finally have a daughter after five sons].  I grew up with the best of
family, friends, amusement, education. I now attend Marquette University in Milwaukee, WI, where I am majoring in advertising, and minoring in Medieval Studies.  I have avid interests in good novels, excellent music, and kooky humour.  If you, too, enjoy any of these, or are interested in learning more about the eclectic personality of this page's creator, you now have a standing invitaiton to explore the various links of this site.  Pour a cup of tea, plop a cushion on your chair (for this might be a lenghty stay), slip off your shoes, and enjoy!  Bon appetite!
About me
This page was started 8-13-00 at 10:21 PM
Update [Aug 8, '00]: In case you are wondering, all of my "old" pages are no longer able to be changed.  So it's not like I was lazy or didn't feel like updating my old page.  I simply am not allowed to access them anymore, due to the changes implemented by Geocities *grrr*  So, please know that all info on the "old" pages is at least a year old, if not more.  And one more thing.  I'm leaving for school in a day.  I don't know what internet access they have over at the National University in Galway, so this may be the last time I update this thing until Christmas break.  Slainte!

Update [Dec 31, '00]: I'm back form Ireland, and now home in the good ol' US of A in Minnesota.  I'll be heading back to college in Milwaukee, WI in a couple weeks.  Do you care?  Is anybody even going to read this?  Oh well.  For those privileged few who do view this page, failte (welcome).  Thank you for browsing.  Please sign my guestbook!  And HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! 
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Esteemed Guestbook!
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These many screens have been
graced by my page's presence...
Last updated:
Dec 31, 2000
Slight explanation as to why this page is in existence...
are you???
Random scatterings of visual representations of my caprice...
This lil' light o' mine...
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