New and Improved!


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Hi I'm Danny.If you want to contact me, my name on aol instant messenger is MajNooN81. My ICQ# is 14097287. I'm currently attending Lehigh University as hinted at the top of this page. I have added some new stuff.Check the movies and songs page)and the scavenger hunt.This site includes java and is best viewed with Netscape4.0+ or Internet explorer4.0+. To see if you have a java-enabled browser, visit HERE and see. This also shows you some other information like your type of browser.
To read a cool story I wrote, click HERE. Welcome to my homepage!

I am currently a freshman at

My e-mail address is
To see my current schedule and my past schedules go here
people have told me that my counter is messed up.

Click on the sephiroth picture to go to my FF7 page.Click on the dbz picture to go to my dbz(dragon Ball Z) page.Click on the Southpark sign to go to my Southpark page.The others are self explanatory.
You can click on the floating pics that follow your mouse to get to different parts of my webpage.(IE only) The pics and their destinations should be obvious.
SCAVENGER HUNT: I've hidden seven special question marks somewhere on this site....they will link you to a page where a secret word will be given to you. Therefore, there are seven secret words to be found. If you should be able to gather them all and e-mail them to me, then I'll think of something to give you! Watch out for the fake question marks! They'll take you to a useless page. Good luck on your search! But if your not lucky, I've added a hint page for finding the seven question marks.

Final Fantasy 8

My DBGT(Dragon Ball GT) page

Don't forget to the visit the Movies and Songs page. I'm still working on it, but soon i'll have all sorts of dragon ball videos and some mp3s too.



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COOL Things(need JAVA)

The lair of the evil buttonOnly buttons allowed inside
Something kind of cool(need java!)
Question mark page...

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