Telescopes & Observatories

Star Gazers

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Beautiful Color Photos and Summaries:

    Beijing Ancient Observatory
    Keck: The Largest Optical Telescopes
    A Very Large Array of Radio Telescopes
    Plateau de Bure Interferometer
    Arecibo: The Largest Telescope
    HET: The New Largest Optical Telescope
    IRTF: Scanning the Infrared Skies
    VLT: A New Largest Optical Telescope
    The First Lunar Observatory
    Compton Gamma Ray Observatory,
    The Compton Observatory Turns Five
    The McMath-Pierce Solar Observatory
    Arecibo: The Largest Telescope
    The 76 Meter Lovell Radio Telescope
    ASCA X-Ray Observatory
    Orbiting Repairmen
    The X-ray Timing Explorer
    The International Ultraviolet Explorer
    Skylab Over Earth
    The Orbiting Hubble Space Telescope
    New Eyes for the Hubble Space Telescope
    Repairing Hubble
    Hubble Floats Free
    The Hooker Telescope on Mt. Wilson

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    Complete Observatory Guide - All The Links You'll Ever Want
    Purchasing Amateur Telescopes (FAQ's) - part 1 of 2
    Purchasing Amateur Telescopes (FAQ's) - part 2 of 2
    How To Choose a Quality Telescope For Under $500.00

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Since January 1, 2000

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