

Remnants of a Former Planet

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Beautiful Color Photos and Summaries of Asteroids:


    Asteroid 3753:

      Asteroid 3753: Earth's Curious Companion


      3D Computer Model of Castalia
      Topographic Map of Castalia
      Shaded Relief Map of Castalia
      Simple Cylindrical Map of Castalia

    433 Eros:

      433 Eros
      NEAR to Asteroid 433 Eros


      Asteroid Gaspra's Best Face
      Highest Resolution Gaspra Mosaic
      Gaspra - True and Enhanced Color
      Gaspra Approach Sequence
      Gaspra, Deimos, and Phobos Comparison
      Topographic Map of Gaspra


      Asteroid Geographos

    Ida & Dactyl:

      Ida and Dactyl: Asteroid and Moon
      Ida and Dactyl in Enhanced Color
      Asteroid Ida - Five Frame Mosaic
      Asteroid Ida and Its Moon
      Three Stereo Views of Ida
      High Resolution View of Dactyl
      Topographic Map of Ida
      Asteroid Ida - 6 Views Showing Rotation
      Asteroid Ida - Limb at Closest Approach
      Dactyl Dark Side Illuminated by Idashine
      Early View of Dactyl


      Asteroid 253 Mathilde's Large Craters
      NEAR Mathilde
      First Image of Asteroid 253 Mathilde
      Mosaic of Mathilde
      Mathilde, Gaspra and Ida Comparison
      Large Impact Crater on Mathilde
      First Image of Asteroid 253 Mathilde


      Earth Nears Asteroid Toutatis
      4 Views of Asteroid Toutatis
      Hi-Res Goldstone Images of Toutatis
      Hi-Res Image of Toutatis
      Topographic Map of Toutatis
      Shaded Relief Map of Asteroid 4179
      4 Views of Toutatis
      Computer Model of Toutatis
      Spin State of Toutatis
      Spin State on Nine Successive Days


      Huge Crater on the Surface of Vesta
      Rotation of the Asteroid Vesta
      Topographic Map of Vesta
      Hubble Maps the Asteroid Vesta


      Minor Planet Names: Alphabetical List
      Asteroids in the Distance
      Asteroids: Mathilde, Gaspra and Ida

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    Since January 1, 2000

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