Penguin's Rest

WerePenguin, the FreezingCreative Works - when inspiration strikes
Downloads: pictures, fonts, character sheets
Work (serious stuff)

Word from the Author

Last update: 17th May 2005

Well things have changed a little since my last comments went up. We have stepped up a gear about moving house, although my PC will be one of the last things to move. Because of that I have taken 6 months out of my Masters degree. I have also used the opportunity to get my body fit and vaguely healthy again, as chronicled in my CF Blog.

After playing with php for Rage Impossible!, I am continuing to use it on new sites. Combined with cascading style sheets it makes updating websites much faster. For those interested, there are two exceedingly useful extensions to Firefox which make web development much easier, specifically EditCSS and HTML Validator. Since my site is a really a slightly random collection of stuff, I am finally getting round to making a proper site map: the process makes me realise how much I want to dump Geocities altogether so expect sites to slowly migrate. I will leave manual redirects in key places as long as possible. There will almost certainly be a new front page design, although expect the picture theme to remain. Anyone got any bright ideas?

Other stuff

The gEngine really does have some good games. I had never *heard* of Magination Duel until I started playing it there, and I am really getting into Doom Town. The most important game there though is of course RAGE. Having completed playtesting for Coda (I don't think I did much of the work!), I submitted about 100 ideas for the next block. I really feel sorry for the development team, but I have had twelve years to refine my ideas! There was of course one Werepenguin submitted (you can find penguins in South Africa).

 Atrocity Mud

Cow Page (image intensive):  Don't stay too loooong!

E-mail me at What's New:  yes, I do update occasionally

These pages maintained by Picks-at-Flies, also known as Aidan Bowes