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Welcome to the 7th Fleet

The Seventh Fleet is a Star Wars club. We do RPGs, fanfiction, and missions for the games (BTW, missions can be downloaded from the library, contact me if you want the password). The role-playing games are supposed to be the main part but it has not gotten off the ground yet. Our storyline starts 18 years after the Battle of Endor. The New Republic has begun to crack down on crime and created the Seventh Fleet to carry out that mission. But is crime the real menece behind it all...

XvT Mulitplayer (08-31-1999) [CHEETAH]
Psycho and I played X-Wing Vs. TIE Fighter over ICQ and it worked pretty well. However, we've come to the conclusion that...my computer sucks. :D I'm now earning up money to by a new modem. Psycho is capable of playing MP well, so if you're interested in playing, contact him. If you need someone that's about as useful as bantha dung or a target drone to frag, contact me and I will proceed to mail bomb you with obsenities. <:D
I've also been going to sites and asking them to post our link. I hereby order you all to annoy the flame outta everybody until they post our link.
And finally, will the person with the General's wife please return her to the front desk. Thank you. That is all.

Enlistment CGI Complete (08-24-1999) [CHEETAH]
The enlistment section is complete and everyone can now enlist. I am now working on a search engine for the site, where you can search for keywords and the pages they are on. You can find it here. ATTENTION EVERYONE! Start posting at the Messhall! Please? :D

Site Fixes and a new BBS (08-24-1999) [CHEETAH]
To all those who tried to enlist but couldn't (and came back to read this :) I appologize for the errors in the enlistment script. They have finally been corrected. Quite unfortunately, the site I had the script on no longer supports cgi scripts. They never notified me. I contacted their tech support, who told me (I swear they write like machines. They give as much information as the famous Blue Screen of Death.) Well good riddence! I've found a better site, and we now have two !count 'em! two new features. The enlistment script which will ease enlistment process for the staff and will eventually provide the enlistee with information. But of course, as with all programs (and 95% of Windows :), there are bugs. Only one that I've seen, which will be corrected soon and the new enlistment site will be posted. But, we have something that *does* work right now. We have the Officer's Lounge. It is a bulletin board system that allows you 7th Fleet members (and non-members) to chat with each other, get enlistment help, etc. You can find it at http://7thfleet.hypermart.net/bbs/index.cgi BTW, we can tell who posts on the msg board the most. We'll have to think of something to give to the person at the top of the list every few weeks.

Site Update (07-02-1999) [CHEETAH]
Well, I'm finally interested in 7thFleet again, now that people are interested. I'm working on fixing up the site from the Yahoo!-Geocities Merger and blundering idiots who didn't know what they were doing while messing with the site. :D And well, you're looking at the first of several updates and the new look for the site. Let me know what you think. BTW, the frames can be found at index.old.html.

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Site Update

  Star Wars: 7th Fleet, 1999
Webmasters Jim 'Cheetah' Guenther , Pete 'Psycho' Fisher, Rob 'WildKarrde' Henry