"The Assassin"

You pick up the Soulstone globe from the cave floor and head back south to the crack in the wall. You find slipping out through a whole lot easier than it was getting in, it also straightens out the kinks in your back. Holding the globe tightly in both hands you run east towards the assassin and, your destiny. As you start up the stairs the well trained assassin senses your approach amd whirls. With well honed reflexes she goes into a fighting stance raising the long sinster sword, the blade shimmers blackly, dripping dark fire that sizzles and dissolves holes in the stone steps. This does not bode well. she has the advantage of the high ground and knows it. She grins wickedly at you and stares like a python deciding whether it needs to unhinge its jaw for such an insignificant prey. She has a look of such darkness and utter soulessness in his eyes. She takes a step down and towards you and says, " I have come here to kill the Master of this Keep and his Mage, thus freeing my master, Diablo. I shall Take the Soulstone containing his essensce into my body and let him live again free to...."

You raise the Soul Stone up at eye level and fix the image of the Rogue Assassin in the center of the globe. Remembering the incantation that Jered Cain taught you that day beside the well in Tristram, you start the invocation. Fixing the image of Cain in your mind and remembering the motions of his hands, concentrating, you chant,"Invocatum interrim...." The assassin stares at you in total disbelief. She raises her black bladed sword abover her head, her eyes measuring the distance between the two of you. Then the globe begins to pulse and the colors on its surface begin to swirl. The assassin's eyes open wide in disbelief as she feels the inexorable pull of the Soul Stone's power. She shrieks as she feels her essensce being pulled into the globe, her body follows, like a statue of sand being blown into the vortex created by the power of the blue pulsing sphere. With the sound of inrushing air punctuated by a thunderclap she is gone! And in your hands is the globe, now dark, now inert. And trapped in the center as surely as an insect in amber is the Assassin, her image blurred and warped by the binding forces of the Soul Stone.

The shrieking and the thunder clap has alerted the guards, and led by Ghostheart, they come running down the stairs weapons drawn, to find you tossing the globe into the air. "For you Milord, a present for you and your Mage.",you say as you bow and hand Ghostheart the Soul Stone sphere. Ghostheart, peers at the Assassin entrapped within and signals his personal guard to sheath their weapons. He smiles at you and says, "Thank you my friend, for you have saved the world from having a darkness unleashed on it like no other,for if she had accomplished his foul deed, what befell Tristram would have paled in comparison." Ghostheart rubbed a large scar on his farhead as if recalling an unpleasant memory. He extends his sword towards you hilt first saying, Please accept this gift as a token of my gratitude. It is called "Griswolds Edge" I have had it enchanted so it never loses its edge and will glow when enemies are near. Oh and yes, my mage added one or two more surprises you will find along the way. Also,(he says handing you a fat, heavy leather pouch)take this to help finance your next quest."

You take the weapon, not wanting to insult your host, the mithril blade shimmering, the hilt feels as if it has adjusted to your hand as you've held it, the balance perfect, a true extension of your arm.In all your years as an adventurer youv'e never held a finer weapon. Nodding his approval your host watches your accomplished way you handle the weapon.You accept the gift without another word, just a smile and a short bow between equals.

Your Host turns back up the stairs and says over his shoulder, "Please follow me, theses lead up to a hidden alcove in the back of the great hall. Also conceal that sword under your cloak friend, so as not to alarm the other guests, and please don't mention your little adventure till I have a chance to seal off the seaward entrance to the labyrinth where are uninvited guest gained entrance." He stares at the Soul Stone one more time before he secrets it in the folds of his robe."I am sure my mage Belgarath has a place of honor for this in his study. When I tell him of your deed I am sure he will want to reward you also."

You nod your agreement, and with a friendly hand clasp, Ghostheart invites you to stay as long as you like in his Keep, then steps out of the alcove into the music and light to rejoin his guests, you wait a moment wondering if you had drawn your dagger and attacked the Assassin...... and pushing the square stone lever to conceal the stairs behind you behind you...

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