Battletech! Another joy of my life. And it has nothing to do with Fantasy, magic, or knights in shining armor ;) Okay, well, it has the knights in shining armor, so to speak. For those not in the know, Battletech is set in the thirty-first century. Mankind has spread to the stars, and through the sourse of their star spanning history have split into five major houses along with several minor ones. Once at war with each other, there is now an uneasy truce among them as they face off against the once mysterious invaders known as the Clans, invaders who have since turned out to be descendants of a group who left the Inner Sphere (The majority of the colonized planets) on an exodus. The awesome looking Elemental to the left will take you to a seperate page where I intend to have some stories, a mercenary outfit, and a few links for your reading pleasure. (The picture was borrowed from Mordel Blacknight's Battletech Bay. The site's creator was kind enough to allow me to use the picture. You'll find a link to his site in the.. you guessed it.. links section.) |