elcome. This is my homepage. In the future, I hope to have fully compiled backgrounds and stories for each of my many roleplaying characters. For now.. be patient, please... as I have no idea how to work HTML yet. Well, as some of you can see, I'm learning, if a bit slowly ;)
I've begun to add a little more. Some of the links to my characters even have pictures right now. But all (most) of them are temporary for the moment... I will be getting a friend to actually help me sketch them out.
The Wheel of Time
The Wheel of Time. This series of books was what perhaps initiated my passage from reading what many would call 'pulp fantasy' (in my case, books written in the Advanced Dungeons and Dragons gaming world by TSR, specifically those in the Dark Sun and Forgotten Realms settings) to the larger books, series and epic fantasies. As such, even if it one day ceases to be my favourite series of all times, it will always have something special about it to me that no other series every will. It is no surprise then that when I was introduced to the wonders of the internet that I would stumble across games based on Robert Jordan's creation. Click on the orb if you're interested in seeing the summaries of the Wheel of Time games I play or have played. (I am not the creator of this picture. I found it on my hard drive one day, probably as a result of one roommate or another downloading pictures. I would like to give the credit where it is due for this cool picture, and will do so if the creator of it ever happens across the site and lets me know.)
WordsMOO. Based on the Book of Words trilogy by J.V. Jones. A GREAT series, in fact, great enough that I went out and bought the triogy for a friend for no other reason than to get her to read it. It's one of those no-holds barred sort of stories which is refreshing to read after a flowery story like Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time. (Ok, so he's not /that/ flowery.. but .. aw, heck, I can't explain it.) Anyways, this MOO is based on her series, and though it is currently at a pre-open stage, we are looking for applicants who may wish to play feature characters, such as the Duke of Bren. It is to my understanding that the site has been given creative liberty with the game so there may be dscrepencies between what is in the books and what is in the MOO. Here is J.V. Jones's homepage.
Battletech! Another joy of my life. And it has nothing to do with Fantasy, magic, or knights in shining armor ;) Okay, well, it has the knights in shining armor, so to speak. For those not in the know, Battletech is set in the thirty-first century. Mankind has spread to the stars, and through the sourse of their star spanning history have split into five major houses along with several minor ones. Once at war with each other, there is now an uneasy truce among them as they face off against the once mysterious invaders known as the Clans, invaders who have since turned out to be descendants of a group who left the Inner Sphere (The majority of the colonized planets) on an exodus. The awesome looking Elemental to the left will take you to a seperate page where I intend to have some stories, a mercenary outfit, and a few links for your reading pleasure. (The picture was borrowed from Mordel Blacknight's Battletech Bay. The site's creator was kind enough to allow me to use the picture. You'll find a link to his site in the.. you guessed it.. links section.)

My friends. This is all of them. Yup.
Pam's Page
Morgan's Page
Jamie's Page
Anne's Page
My preeety leeetle keeetie

And finally, a bit about me.

Welcome to GeoCities!

Click here for funny cats