Story Index
Mother’s Love…Warrior’s Heart (SGA)…I’m a Teyla/Sheppard shipper and
this is what I read between the lines during the episode Prodigal. The words in
italics are from the brilliant minds of the writers of the episode. Special thank you to Pashmina for serving as
beta, mistakes left are because I didn’t listen well enough. The SGA universe
belongs to MGM Worldwide Television.
Making money from this is not happening. I just like playing with the
worlds created by Brad Wright and Robert C. Cooper.
He’ll Wait (OLtL(G)…the TPTB at OLTL developed an amazing
friendship and potential romance then dropped it. So I’m doing what most fanfiction writers do,
write what I want to see. The italicized
words that are not Todd Manning’s thoughts have been kidnapped from the OLTL
3-28-07 episode. For those who have not
seen the episode or do not watch OLTL here’s a brief synopsis of what happened
between the characters. Evangeline walks
into Todd’s office at the Sun (newspaper).
She is having difficulty understanding what is happening between them
and why her relationship with Chris (latest lover) failed. Todd and Evangeline duel about their ex’s and
continue to evade (Evangeline mostly) their feelings for each other.
Letting Love Go (OLtL (G)…As a
viewer of OLtL and a one time Evangeline and John fan it was hard to understand
TPTB transitioning from J&E to J&N.
They had given us a whirlwind year and a half showing John’s unspoken
ILY to one woman and his we’ll never be more than friends to the other. But with all things in TV land TPTB have
control and I do not. So as a viewer
it’s either I deal with the change, watch something else or do the next best
thing, write what I wanted to see. I
said all that to explain this missing scene.
The words/conversations in italics that are not character thoughts have
been taken from the OLtL episodes8-23-05 and 8-25-05; those words belong those
writers. Everything else belongs to me.
Decisions Made in the Dark (OLtL (R)… Evangeline Williamson is the character I watch for, and it seems TPTB have seen the light and are giving her a possible new love interest and more storylines. At least I hope so. Because she maybe transitioning from one relationship to another I wanted to write my version of how that might happen. I wanted the story to be dark and erotic. Not sure I met this goal, we’ll see. Contains adult sexual conduct.
Just My Opinion (OLTL (G)…this is a AU about
characters in the verse of One Life to Live.
Don't own them, ABC Inc., does.
Not making's just for fun.
The story premise might not be new, the writing might not be the best
but the words were put to paper with the best of intentions. Thank you so much PlayaPlayaKathy. Your suggestions helped tremendously. Any errors left are my faulty entirely.
The Care and Feeding of Postpartum Parents (PTL (G)…this story is an AU and could be considered the continuation of a story I wrote awhile ago, I Am My Beloved’s. I’d like to give much thanks to the ladies who edited this story, Angela and Cynthia. Thank you for your assistance. Derek and Alexandra Rayne have a son and I had to make up a name for him. Ajene Jurrien Rayne is a mixture of his Dutch and African heritage. Ajene is African for truth and Jurrien is Dutch for God will uplift.
Let's Begin at the Beginning (Being Friends before Becoming Lovers (X-Men (G)
…thank you Alisa, for helping make this a better story. Listening to Luther's
album "Dance with My Father Again," would inspire anyone to fall in
love and every romance has a beginning.
In a Perfect World (X-Men (G)…living was an obstacle for me yesterday and I needed a way
to express and get pass the negativity I was feeling. Writing this helped.
Thanks Ms. Hinds for another quick beta. Any errors remaining are mine.
The Bet (X-Men (G)…I
couldn't resist trying to put this story on paper after reading the comments of
several Storm_n_Wolverine list members. Thanks X-MenLoganFan, Wolverine6Claws
and Knottyhead, for letting me borrow your words and use them out of context.
The story premise might not be new, the writing might not be the best but the
words were put to paper with the best of intentions.
I've Seen That Hair Before (X-Men (G)…this story will contain a lot that is not based on comic
book or movie canon. So you could call this an AU or hopefully a reasonable
version of what could have happened given
No Matter When You Are -- There Was A
Beginning (Original (G)…just a fun thing I
tried my hand at.
You'll Understand...Just Continue to Get Out of
Bed (Original (G)…sometimes I think about
things other than food.
Reaction Paper (Original
(G)…our class was assigned to visit the
It Could Have Happened this Way (alternate version for
"The Beast Within') (PTL (G)…my
goal here is to not only write another version of the episode TBW but also to
try my hand at writing a clipfic. Just how many flashbacks can be reasonably
included into a story? First, let me both say thanks and apologize to the
writers of the various PTL episodes for taking their works out of context. (Pilot
Episode, writers Brad Wright and Richard Barton Lewis; Brother's Keeper,
writer Garner Simmons; Ransom, writer Chris Black, excerpt by Frank
Abatemarco; The New Guard, writer Michael Sadowski; La Belle Dame
Sans Merci, writer Garner Simmons, The Beast Within, writer Garner
Simmons, The Portents, writer Jonas Quastel; The Traitor, writer
Grant Rosenberg; Dark Priest, writer Grant Rosenberg; Hell Hath No
Fury, writer Bill Bleich; The Tenement, writer Fred Rappaport; Traitor
Among Us, writer Bill Froehlich, excerpts by Bill Bleich, Robert Masello,
Fred Rappaport, John Shirley, Garner Simmons and Brad Wright; Twelfth Cave,
writer Robert Masello; Spirit Thief, writer Bill Bleich; Human Vessel,
writer David Tynan; The Devil's Lighthouse, writer Robert Masello; Father
to Son, writer John Benjamin Martin). It is their hard work that makes mine
fun, thanks to each of them. Secondly, a special thank you to the fans of PTL
who contributed to the episode guides at Legacyweb. The guides helped
tremendously in reminding me which episodes contained certain scenes and who
the writers were. Thanks guys. Thank
you to two very special betas, Sue Morrison and Kayleigh_talitha, they helped
tremendously. If you find an error, they're all mine.
Battle Plan 101 (EE
(G)…Gary starts his campaign to woo and win Marissa. In the real world he would
have had this letter translated into Braille. I'm too lazy and it would have
taken toooo long. Thank you to the talented singer Randy Crawford. Her song
"Merry Go Round," is one of my favorites and it is the backbone of
this snippet. Merry Go Round can be found on her album PERMANENT, Warner
Brothers and Gross Management Organisations.
For the Last Time (PTL
(G)…this story should be considered AU, because it is totally different from
the way Rose died in the episode "The Possession," and Alex get a
chance to grieve her grandmothers death. This is how I believe every life's end
should be celebrated, with family and friends and good memories. This story is
also a small tribute to a great performer. As one of a multitude who laughed
with Esther Rolle on Good Times, enjoyed her many film performance and welcomed
her brief visit to PTL, I will miss seeing her on the large and small screen.
How Do You Tell a Friend You're
Sorry...Again? (PTL (G) …this story is an
attempt at writing a missing scene for the episode "Armies of
Darkness." After a discussion among members of the Legacy journals about
Nick's glances at Alex in the last scene of AOD this idea kept clanging around
in my empty spaces and I thought it wouldn't hurt to try and put the words on
paper. Without the gracious help of Karen, Gale and Angel, I would not feel as
secure about including this. They read quickly and give great advise. If there
are errors, they're all mine.
I am my beloved's and my beloved is mine (PTL (G)…this story is AU. Alex Moreau Rayne and Derek
Rayne have been married for five years. Alex is not a member of the Legacy, but
a university professor. They are expecting their first child and Derek wants an
evening alone with his wife and child. Thanks to Estacia for betaing. If there
are errors, they're all mine.
I'm Tired (PTL (G)
…this story contains slight spoilers for the episode "Bell of
Giraidius." It has been a long and torturous year for the San Francisco
Legacy House and they need the break I've thought up for them. I'd do it with
them if I could. Thanks to Annette and Estacia for betaing. If there are
errors, they're all mine.
It Was Just a Dream? (PTL
(NC17) …what the mind hopes for and the heart dares. Contains adult sexual
Just Another Night in the Legacy (PTL (G) …tt's Valentines' night at the
Precious Friend (EE
(G)…I miss seeing a new episode of Early Edition each week, so I've decided to
develop my own EE fix. Special thank you to cool breeze, who made this way
better than it would have been. If there are error, they're all mine.
One More Thing to Learn (PTL (G) …this is not a missing scene just my
pondering on why Alex would be so upset during the morning meeting to discuss
how to handle the Chinese ghost Ga Ziyan. Major spoilers for the episode
"Fox Spirit." I'm sure that during the many cases the team has
investigated they have had many disagreements. This one was obviously
different. To me Alex was stewing about something more than just the Fox
Spirit's reason for vengeance. I think she was sympathetic to Ga Zyian because
they both faced emotional relationships that left them feeling helpless and
that they had no power to make their deepest wishes known and respected.
When We Meet Again (HTLJ (PG13)…this story is about Nebula and Iolaus, but Hercules is
there, as he should be. The premise is that Nebula and Iolaus meet as his
return from the light. Can they recapture what they had? Do they start from
where they are? Do they go their separate ways? A lot of thank yous are
required for this one. To the talented ladies Heidi and Clara who betaed. If
there are errors, they're all mine. For information on