Read what other visitors to the site have to say!

- 12/08/00 20:00:44


Daren "Raven" Cherian - 11/27/00 06:39:09

Great site!! I appreciate someone maintaining a site on the SB TV series. After all, It's an extension to all those pre crisis stories - something which has now been lost is the annals of histaort as DC declared them non-existent. Keep up the good work. A d come on over to my site - it may interest u!

Lee - 11/17/00 21:25:48

Excellent site for those of us in the UK who only saw the first (rather average series) I have never seen the following three! I envy all of you that did.

Sam Rizzo - 10/10/00 23:21:00

Great site!!! Keep up the great work...The Superboy series is finally showed some justice on the internet by this site being up and running.

Cheaters - 09/17/00 20:35:32

I was very young when I first watched the show. Maybe 3 or 4. I remember the show with foul language & being very violent & scary. But I was wondering if anyone could tell me if the show was as violent or "scary" as I remembered it. Also dose anyone know what the episode is called where Clark & Lana are walking carrying glasses of water. Clark holds up his glass & looks at it with a scared expression on his face. Then Lana asks, "What's wrong." Clark replies, "I'm not feeling well." God! I can't believe I remember all that. Anyways awsome page & thanks for the memo

Stephanie Cole - 02/22/00 03:47:20

You have a really good site!!! I think it could improve if you add more photos in the Succubus section, especially when Pamela tries to drain energy from Clark!!

AsrAsrMan - 02/13/00 03:29:21

Hey, put my link! Great webpage! Hmmm...I think I've signed this before...

Ian - 02/02/00 22:31:09

cool site pure Class

JohnC - 01/30/00 19:48:11

this site is totally caool to have been created by a red nosed doug

Mike Reed - 01/30/00 19:38:14

Love the site sir, I will keep checking back to see whats new. Big fan of superboy and Superman. Keep up the great work on the site ,

Bob - 01/30/00 02:11:05
My Email:dont got one

LOVE YOUR SUPERPORN SITE!!!!!! this is the best superboy porn site ive see yet keep up the good work

scott - 01/28/00 16:12:35

your site look great so far!! i'm a big fan of superman though. And i'm looking for supe 1 2 3 & 4 extended to add to my superman collection. can u help????

Matthew Avey - 01/17/00 07:24:13

This site is by far the BEST I've ever seen for Superboy! I loved this show from the moment I first saw it. I've been looking for a couple of years on the internet to find an episode guide of Superboy so I can see which episodes I don't have. Yours not only helped me finish a 3-4 year goal, but has TONS more to offer! You have an OUTSTANDING web site! Keep up the good work!

Billie Mah - 01/13/00 00:34:45

Love your site as always! Keep up the great work! I have now seen 17 episodes of the Superboy TV series to date. Thanks to you for giving me the very first 5 shows from season one and to Superboy himself, actor Gerard Christopher, for offering the selecte episodes from seasons 3 and 4 on the three Superboy video tapes that he sells on his website. That's a whopping 12 episodes between the 3 videos already. From what I've seen so far, this is an excellent show and does not disapoint!!!

Supes2000 - 01/11/00 20:16:44

I will like to see Superboy to be on air someday. But I was hoping Will There be a "Superboy" Movie coming out someday.The Current Superboy's name is Kon-El Created from Project Cadmus after The Death and Resurreaction of Superman.I think We can get The Current Superboy to become a movie.

Terron Williams - 12/31/99 02:52:54

Your site rules, man!!! I am a huge fan of both Superman and Superboy. If not for you and your website, I would've forgotten all about the Boy of Steel's brief stint on t.v. I was pretty young when it first came out. I've forgotten a lot about it over the years. But thanks to you and your site, it's all starting to come back to me! Keep me posted, and keep up the great work!!!

mardy stovall - 12/11/99 05:26:19


Doug - 11/22/99 02:23:23

Great site. Like the idea of the message boards. I did have trouble linking to them. Thanks for your efforts at trying to get the series back into reruns. It was one of the best. Keep adding pictures to your site. Would also like to see you get an intervi w with Gerard Christopher for your site. Maybe he could point out sources for "cut" scenes from Superboy that were not aired. It would be nice to see some of these in your pictures section. Thanks for all the work you are putting into this site.

Rich Doughton - 11/21/99 16:39:48

I found your site abut a week ago, and think it's very well done.veery comprehensive. Keep up the good work. By the way, I contacted James Ewing about the possibility of getting a video tape of "threesome." but so far, I haven't heard back from him. Do yo know if he's still offering the tapes? thanks.

AsrAsrMan - 11/20/99 00:43:48

A fantastic site! Gerard Christopher is a really nice guy, many people stress their thoughts about how he should be Superman in 'Superman Lives!' That's one small step for Gerard, one giant leap, for his fans. Anyway, visit my Superman-Superman Lives page one of the top Superman Lives sites out there! Sign my guestbook, email me, vote in my 17 different polls, sign my message board, come to the daily chat, and have fun!

gerard christopher - 11/03/99 18:39:54

Your site is really great! Would you please consider putting my website a a source of signed photos and videos instead of James Ewing. My website sells autographed copies of my favorite episodes. There are 4 episodes on each tape and they are copied from y master tapes since I produced the show. BTW, the money goes to charity...thanks for helping.

Shel - 09/09/99 23:13:08

Great site! I was wondering if you could tell me how I could get a hold of some copies of certain episodes of superboy. It would mean a lot! Please write back!

Shel - 09/09/99 23:10:20


AnGHbK - 08/12/99 02:55:39

SUPERBOY ROCKS!!!!! this is a SUPER site and it is well constructed. and its shows too. well worked on and devoted to. One of the best super boy sites that ive ever saw before. this site deserves like an award of somekind. Great place to spend hours of time too. Great pics, nd the rest of the page was just awesome i just cant say enough good stuff about it i really enjoyed my visit here and i know ill be back soon to waste more of my time checkin out this super site! GREAT job dmwc/comickid keep up the good work! ~PEACEOUT~ The ICON AnGHBK

Tim Priebe - 08/05/99 03:08:53

Great job with this web page! I'm a big Superboy fan, although mow it's mainly the new comic bok version. However, I watched this Superboy show when it was first on. Your web site looks great!

Sven - 07/31/99 15:38:45

I love your website!!!

Jason Fulton - 07/21/99 02:51:01

I love this site. Superboy was a great show. I was so thrilled when I found this site, it has most of the information that I wanted. As far as suggestions....keep adding more pics (especially season one), continue adding episode summaries, and have yo ever considered the possibillity of putting scripts online? Anyway the site is fantastic. Keep it up.

AnGHbK - 07/18/99 03:21:15

Dude, i like came back so that says alot for me..... this site is well done and worked on alot you can tell...great job keep up the good work but you still suck! lol :O) ~PEACEOUT~ İAnGHbK HBK4EVA DXLIVES

Kyle Hughes - 07/14/99 09:22:49

Hi there. I just wanted to make sure you knew that this is the best Superboy page in existence! Keep up the good work. I look forward to checking back in the future!

- 07/05/99 21:03:09

that's N.C., P.O. Box 11105, Milwaukee, WI 53211

- 07/05/99 21:00:56

I really enjoyed your site! You sound like a real fun guy. If you are ever interested in making copies of tapes I would be more than willing to pay up to $200.00 to get my hands on a copy of Body SwapI and Body SwapII. If ever interested drop me a line at N.C., P.O. Box 11105,Milwaukee, WI

Jason-Superboy - 06/17/99 01:04:56

Its been over 10 years since I last saw Superboy and I had alomst forgotten about the show until I stumbled on to your site. I'm 16 now and I have worshiped Superman since I was two (not really but you get my point) and ever since then I have been trying o watch every episode of every T.V show there ever was about Superman trying to see him at every angle possible. Superman has been my life and life's purpose- his actions have inspired me to do almost everything I've ever done. Even to this day I still we r Superman shirts sometimes. Which is why I'm so glad I've found a whole new angle to explore- Superman when he was a boy. I vow now that I'll do everything in my power to get this show back on the air- everything from e-mails to letters to phone calls to the Sci-Fi channel if necc sary. I won't rest untils its back on- I'll get a pettition if I have to. I just wanted to say thanks for giving me new inside on the show and a new ambition towards getting Superman the respect he deserves (personally I very much dislike the animated series and the weakling they portray him as- but thats a different argument . Anyway I gotta run- thanks again!

adi - 06/07/99 09:50:50

cool and interesting but i do hope that you can improve the pic. making it clearer.keep up the great job. and thanks for the coolest site.

Steafn Hall - 06/02/99 20:43:05

I think the site is excellent, the clips from the shows using the realplayer were brilliant. I remember watching the show when it was on British television, I was a real fan years ago and still am. Is there a chance it will return to British television? ore photos from the shows, I feel, would be an advantage. Can you Email me with any information as it comes?

Steafn Hall - 06/02/99 20:42:14

I think the site is excellent, the clips from the shows using the realplayer were brilliant. I remember watching the show when it was on British television, I was a real fan years ago and still am. Is there a chance it will return to British television? ore photos from the shows, I feel, would be an advantage. Can you Email me with any information as it comes?

Steafn Hall - 06/02/99 20:41:55

I think the site is excellent, the clips from the shows using the realplayer were brilliant. I remember watching the show when it was on British television, I was a real fan years ago and still am. Is there a chance it will return to British television? ore photos from the shows, I feel, would be an advantage. Can you Email me with any information as it comes?

Doug - 04/24/99 02:43:25

Great site and great resource for anyone who is interested in the the Superboy TV series. In my opinion, Superboy included some of the best ever story adaptions of Superman to the live-action media. 'Roads Not Taken' has to rank as the second best TV/Movi Superboy or Superman story ever done - second only to Superman: The Movie. One of the problems with Superman fans is that too few of them are aware of this series and too many assume it was pretty lame (as was the first season) They aren't aware of how G rard Christopher and the 2nd, 3rd and 4th season writers transformed this series into a great Superman story. There are no if, ands or buts - Superboy must return to American TV!

ANG - 02/13/99 23:56:30

U SUCK! Ace_710 smacks dmwc

ANG - 02/13/99 23:46:30

even though i dont know crap about what this page is about it still was a really good page and i enjoyed it..........

Melissa Chambers - 01/15/99 19:56:38

Great Site!!!! I love it. Talk to you later. :), melissa.

Sean - 01/07/99 01:58:00

I think it's a great site. I was a huge fan of the show growing up and it's great to see some people still have an interest like myself. Keep up the good work.

ANGELA CHAMBERS - 12/23/98 20:29:10
My Email:aecdx@hotmail

Hey whats up, you web page was preaty cool, but it would have been even better if it had wrestling on it especially DX. well gotta go talk to ya later! and for anyone else who reads this i am the creaters cosin! ANG

- 12/10/98 05:10:22

Great site!! Please keep updating and it would be great if you could link sites that have videos of rare superboy episodes.

Debby - 11/22/98 22:18:33

Quite nice! I needed the names of the episodes in the late 1980s series, and I found them on your site! :D If you want a source for the shows, write me. His tapes aren't great, quality wise, but currently they're better than nuthin :)

Billy - 11/04/98 00:09:23
My Email:don't have one

This is the crapiest crap i've ever seen sorry.

Bill - 10/30/98 07:32:48

Love your site! I am a huge Superman fan of the comics and all incarnations of the character's TV series, cartoons and movies. I have seen the Fleischer cartoons, some (only eight) episodes of the classic George Reeves series and the feature film he starr d in (Superman and The Mole Men, 1951), some episodes of the 1960's cartoons of both Superman and Superboy, and all four Chris Reeve films. I have also seen Superfriends/Super Powers cartoons, the Ruby-Spears Superman cartoons from CBS ten years ago, the upergirl movie, the entire run of Lois & Clark on ABC, and the current Superman animated series on now. I also finally saw the 1961 Superboy TV pilot and its lost pilot companion SuperPup (1958) on tape. Your website being mostly devoted to the Superboy TV series is a huge blessing. It being the only incarnation of the Superman legend I have never seen is just frustrating to me (I have also never seen the two movie serials that starred Kirk Alyn and neve heard the Superman radio plays of the 1940s). The Superboy series most of all is the show I badly want to see. Up here in Canada I don't think the series was aired in much places and certainly not in Alberta. It has been now 10 years since it started and 6 years since it ended. Still this series has not been in syndication or been put on home video. With 1998 being Superman's 60th anniversary you'd think that Viacom (series distributor) or Warner Bros. (they own the character; I don't even understand why hey didn't do this series in the first place) would put it on video to capitalize on this event just like the series was there on the 50th anniversary at the time. You said that you have a few episodes of the series. Would you be willing to give me a copy of your entire series set? I have nothing in exchange to give you though. I have read magazine articles that I have about the series and sometimes reread them in hopes of seeing the series. I even collected the Superboy TV tie-in comic that DC Comics produced from the late '80s to early '90s just to get an idea of how or what he show looks like. I have heard that to lots of people that the Superboy series is the best comics based show ever (and to some people that it sucks) and I hope that when or if I ever see the show that it doesn't disapoint. Particularly the two part stor "Roads Not Taken" was commented as the best storyline of the entire series. I have seen some of Stacy Haiduk's post Superboy work like The Round Table, SeaQuest DSV, Kindred: The Embraced and other stuff. I think she is very gorgeous and an excellent actress. Lots of people say she was one of the best things about the Superboy s ries and I would have to agree (even if I have not seen Superboy). She is a fine actress and I still think an under rated actress. I said this on the Vartox Superboy website and I will say it here as well: she is one of Hollywood's best kept secrets and I hope that one day she will get the recognition that she deserves. I am aware that there are lots of other people just like me who have not seen the series as well. What was with this show? It went through first-run syndication during its run and made the top 10 list of first run syndicated shows (and apparently did not run through many places still). This show even lacked merchandising as well. Look at Lois & Clark. That show got some merchandise produced like books, trading cards, etc. Why did Superboy get none of this during its run? I just had to make some comments on your site. You (and the Vartox Superboy site) have given me a closer chance in hoping to see the series in the near future. Please get more pictures and info added to your site and keep up the good work. It is a great ite. I have learned only so much more about this series. Please email back to me. Thanks. P.S. Sadly the jinx on me seeing anything about Superboy continues. Your RealAudio and Video clips section does not work on my computer. I do not have this program to run it. I was so close! ARGH!!!

Melyssa (Mel) - 10/17/98 17:45:35

Cool page! I loved that show, and still do. I plan on getting all the seasons. Ever since Superboy, I've been a big fan of John Haymes Newton, and now have a page just for him. Please visit, and click on the "Why did you come?" link and vote for John. Kee up the great work, but would like to see at least one pic of John on there....Mel

10/16/98 05:51:14
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Just passing thru and saw your page Thanks

- 10/14/98 14:54:27

Does anyone know where I can get a video of any Superboy starring Gerard Christopher. Does anyone know what city he lives in (Gerard Christopher not Superboy)? Does anyone have any photos or information they could send me of Gerard Christopher?

Cindy - 09/23/98 13:36:50
comment: Nice page.... please come visit my site :-) Thanks, Cindy

- 09/21/98 17:46:27


Darlene & Sons - 09/02/98 01:32:07

LOVE IT!,,, LOVE IT!... LOVE IT! Thank you so much for your site. My sons and I have watched and read superboy and superman forever. We are now presently re-watching Lois and Clark which started again two nights ago. Re-runs but well worth it. Keep up th good work! ps...... by all means add the comics but maybe start a new page? I don't know about making web sites but you may want to keep the comic and series seperate so young viewers won't get the two confused. Darlene

side step - 09/01/98 23:27:08

I think it stinkkkkkkkkkks!!!!!!!! just kidding call me when you get this message

msowen - 08/23/98 01:31:55

I loved this site. Do you know where I can get any of the 100 episodes of the tv series? I saw an ad for a video collector on the tv section of the superman homepage who offers them but am unable to e-mail him. I know where to get the first 4 episodes but need your help on other 96. I have the test pilot of 1961 series on video. Please e-mail. Thank You. Michael Shane Owen

K.D. - 07/23/98 19:34:45

Cool site.

Kara Townsend - 07/02/98 17:08:36

Hi! I was surfing through GeoCities and saw your page. Pretty Cool! My name is Kara. I am 24 years old and live in San Diego, CA. I have been teaching myself HTML for the last several months. Please visit my site, Kara s dynamicSex and tell me what you think of it. I will be adding pictures of myself within the next couple days. I would love to exchange links with you!

Will - 06/22/98 19:32:08

A good site for a good series. Just keep adding the photos, and episode details. What i would like to see is a signup page so fans can sign up to "petition" (if thats the right word) to get the SB TV series on the air on the SCI-FI channel. Just a thought - keep up the good work, and I agree Stacy was the real star of the show.

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