Night by Leigh Alexander First posted: February 27th, 1997 RATING: PG CATEGORY: VRA SPOILERS: None KEYWORDS: Mulder/Scully romance SUMMARY: Dreams in the night for a couple who've just made love for the first time. DISCLAIMERS: 1) Dana and Fox belong to Chris and Ten Thirteen Productions and the other Fox. Absolutely *no* copyright infringement is intended - I'm not doing this for money, I'm doing it for love. I *love* these characters, I wouldn't want to hurt them! :) 2) OK to archive, but if it's going anywhere other than Gossamer, please drop me a line just so I can keep track. 3) Feel free to distribute and discuss this, as long as my name and addy remain attached. INTRO: This is just a short one that I'm a bit nervous about, so any feedback would be much appreciated. It *is* MSR, but I still encourage you to give it a go even if you don't normally go for that sort of thing, as I feel it really could be anyone, not just Mulder and Scully. This is a revised version of the story that was posted to M&S a few days ago. Thanks to everyone on that list who was so encouraging. I really appreciate it and the feedback I got has helped me enormously. ------------------------------------------------------------- Night ------------------------------------------------------------- Bodies sleep. Breathing slows. Eyelids flutter. Lips murmur. In the deep dark night anything seems possible. Through their dreams, people soar into worlds beyond reality. Beyond the infinite. Where colours, words, noises, objects... Where everything takes on a thicker significance. What was innocuous in the day becomes weighted with meaning in sleep. Thin wisps of memories twine themselves in minds across the city. Layer upon layer upon layer. Creeping in and creating heavy thoughts in the absence of light. The nation's capital sleeps. The tourists who infiltrated the city during the day instantly vanish the moment the sun's fingers began to gradually retract. Oozing back into their expensive hotel rooms, or their mangy hostel accommodation. Pulling the door shut and sheltering from the danger posed by one of the country's most dangerous cities. Enveloping themselves in the protection of their surroundings; their family, their friends, their neighbours - creating a world within a world. While the world without lives on. But now its people are gripped by the universal pacifier. Tinny laughter echoes around the now-empty monuments that stud the city. Lincoln bears witness to this rising memory as it circles around him, filling his head with light-hearted frivolity. The energy cannot be muffled, despite the completeness of night. It snaps and sparkles, glancing against stagnation with a disrespectful blow. Teasing and jostling. Pushing its way through the city, the people, the night. Into dreams. As clocks continue to creep inexorably towards the scissoring brightness of day, two bodies lie submerged in sleep. The window to their room is open and drifts of air slide in surreptitiously, careful not to disturb anything in their wake. The man lies on his back, his face directed towards the ceiling, his eyes dancing jerkily under his closed lids. The woman lies beside him. She is on her side, her back nearly touching his arm but not completely. Her hair is spread behind her with a few solitary wisps clinging to his shoulder like a delicate cobweb. Last night - this night - they made love for the first time. Like the uncrushable remnants of daytime joys, their lovemaking clings to this room like a heavy scent. Each time they draw breath, they swallow the memory in, like a fish breathing water. It tempers their dreams, bleeding its way in to the malleable unconscious and taking shape in their night- time thoughts in disparate and disjointed forms. A warm enveloping blanket. An ocean within their body. The soft susurration that weaves its way rhythmically through the dreams. The kiss spirals and contorts, becoming all kisses. A mother's kiss. A sister's kiss. A brother's kiss. A father's kiss. Until it resettles and possesses. Taking hold with all- knowing authority. What was chaste ceases to be so. It is a lover's kiss. Only. Always. Entering through those jumping lids of the man, plunging into the dense smoke that encircles his dreaming, it is possible to see the familiar images as they unfold. So familiar are they to him, they have worn a groove in his imagination. No effort is required to call up the picture of the young girl - her hair permanently in twin braids, snaking their way down the length of her back - although it is rare for her to be in the same position as last time. Her eyes do not change. They are stuck to him and follow his every movement unblinkingly. They flash accusations at him wordlessly while her hands continue the benign task of laying out the pieces of a board game. He drinks in her gaze, storing it within the deepest pit inside of him where it can be called upon when needed. To twist and turn inside of him. To take his breath and rob his senses. But now the dream changes. The eyes grow larger - not just the irises, but the whole shape of the eye expands and stretches. The colour is sucked away until they are the sickly pale of albinos. Then slowly, a blueness seeps in like paint infiltrating water. And when he pulls his focus back and regards his sister's face it is no longer her. And yet, she has not completely disappeared. She has not been replaced, she has been remodelled. Although the blue eyes are now framed by chin-length pale red hair, it is still Samantha who looks out at him. The only window of expression - the eyes - still glare at him with unspoken allegations. They argue vividly with him and now he feels his own eyes flaring in response. This war of silent and visceral words continues. Barbs fly between them and yet there is no hatred, no anger. Only love. With a gasp he is awake. His breathing is irregular, his heart pounds. He squeezes and then releases the blanket that has worked its way between his fingers. His face is sprinkled with a light dew of sweat which he wipes away messily. She is beside him. Her hand touches him gently on the thigh while her lips murmur his name softly. When he finally lifts his face to look at her, relief tumbles out of him in waves. She is Scully. Only Scully. No other spirit haunts her body when he is awake. He whispers an off-hand joke that falls flat, crashing heavily on the covers between them. His name emerges from her mouth again, only this time it admonishes him lightly. She knows flippancy is his wall. It is the same wall that she has built up with her silences, her refusal to reveal herself. They know each other too well. And not well enough. After so many years of unnamed love they have now taken the first steps on this path. The path that has constantly ducked in and out of their lives. That they have skirted with a grace of ever-trusting dancers. That they they have occasionally found themselves precariously close to. Too close. Much too close. The magical yellow-brick road. And now, they are taking those steps towards the Wizard; seeking answers to new and considerably more daring questions. Ahead of them lies the most eventful journey of all. Lions and tigers and bears. Oh my. With the hand that isn't tentatively brushing his leg she holds the sheet up against her body. Shielding herself from exposure. Forgetting for a long moment the secrets they have now shared. She feels vulnerable even now - here, lying in her bed with the man she had thought she knew well. Now, at this moment, he is a stranger. He is impulses and desires and needs. He is a responsive body rather than a combative brain. They have only just taken the first step on the golden path and she is bathed in the beauty of what lies ahead and what exists behind. The stability of the past pushes up against her back, warming her, reminding her and most importantly, reassuring her. Its support will always be there. She looks ahead; the unknown of the future glints and gleams at her with the captivating appeal of a rainbow. She moves forward. Her lips press against his back with infinite care. The journey will be slow; their steps will undoubtedly falter and the route will vary with unexpected twists and deviations. For the moment she is content to inch her way slowly along, the tendrils of the past only slowly unravelling from inside of her. Her mouth creeps along his back, both warming and cooling him. He remains still. Absorbed. Appreciating her touch if nothing more than for its truth. No artifice and no dream can recreate this hypnotic sensation. And he has dreamed it. Whether willingly or not, this woman has visited him in his bed many nights in the past. She has taken many forms, both concrete and imagined, but she has returned night after night. Leaving him with the tight ache of need. She would slide away from him in the same manner in which she arrived - like a flash of nebulous cloud, wafting above him, pouring into him. Her absence would leave him empty. Spent. But now, her lips are real. They belong to her and only to her. She is in front of him now - her eyes seek his with the same raw passion that their bodies engaged in only a short time ago. Her blueness claims him. Her gaze engulfs him with its power. He is lost in her enchantment. The rope that he clung to - their non-sexual union - has been sheared off and now lies in ragged tatters behind them. Her hands do not touch him, her lips are free from his body and yet she seduces him. Sexually, sensually, emotionally, intellectually. Wholly. He is enraptured and completely enamoured. He cannot move; he is trapped in the blinding glare of her love. Hesitantly, she probes him. The dream? He shakes his head. It was nothing. Her comprehension of his lie squeezes through her eyes. Emotions wash through her and her face becomes a dappled field of feelings that causes his own face to contort in response. She knows that she has shown him too much. He has entered her body, and now she cannot conceal herself from him. But he does not feel the same. He who has decreed the truth as his God. He who wants nothing more than to protect her - oh yes, she knows the honest reasons behind his deceit - he chooses to submerge the truth. He wants to recapture the words that float between them. They have potential those words. They can define and rupture, or be withdrawn and heal. These words will be the first of many bumps on the rough path that they are following. He has tripped - the first of many falls - and she has righted him with her recoil. I'm sorry, he says. Her eyes pulse with light. I was dreaming about Samantha. And you. You were the same person, and you were both taken away from me. She soothes him. She is mother-father-sister-friend. And last, she is lover. She opens herself to him and he is healed by her all-encompassing embrace. They come together, and separate. Yet they are one. Always one. Hours later, sleep engulfs them. It swallows them whole and protects them from the marauding monster of dreams. They are wrapped in night. ~ THE END ~ ------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks for reading. Comments are welcome.