Something Wrong, Something Right by Leigh Alexander First posted: September 6, 1998 RATING: PG CATEGORY: VAR SPOILERS: None KEYWORDS: Mulder/Scully romance SUMMARY: Mulder and Scully argue after she has a nosebleed. DISCLAIMERS: 1) Dana and Fox belong to Chris and Ten Thirteen Productions and the other Fox. Absolutely *no* copyright infringement is intended - I'm not doing this for money, I'm doing it for love. I *love* these characters, I wouldn't want to hurt them! :) 2) OK to archive, but if it's going anywhere other than Gossamer, please drop me a line just so I can keep track. 3) Feel free to distribute and discuss this, as long as my name and addy remain attached. INTRO: It's happened again. I'm supposed to be working on two much longer stories, but I got inspired to finish this one, instead. Oh well, I guess I shouldn't complain as long as *something's* getting written. :) I freely classify myself as a 'shipper, but it seems whenever I set about writing an MSR, there always has to be an element of imperfection in their relationship. Blame it on my persuasive noromo friends. Anyway, this story is no exception. You've been warned. Thanks to Melissa for once again doing a great editing job. I don't know what I'd do without her. ----------------------------------------------------------- Something Wrong, Something Right ----------------------------------------------------------- Something was wrong. Scully knew it the instant she woke up, but for a few short moments she couldn't figure out what it was. Her fingers brushed against her upper lip, wiping away the dampness that had gathered there on this hot night. Then she realised with horror that it wasn't sweat that had been trailed across her face. It was blood. She sat up abruptly and reached hastily for the box of tissues on her bedside table. Her hand knocked clumsily against the glass of water she had placed there earlier and it fell to the ground with a loud clunk, spraying water on the edge of her bed. "Damn." She cursed automatically and then glanced guiltily at the man lying beside her, silently hoping that neither noise had woken him up. An impossible hope; within a few seconds the body started to slowly shift under the sheets. Scully turned her back to him and pulled the few remaining tissues out of the box. By the time she'd pressed them to her still-bleeding nose, the light on the other side of the bed was casting its subtle illumination over the room. "Scully, what's wrong?" He sounded tired, but unmistakably worried. Without looking in his direction she replied, "It's nothing. Go back to sleep, Mulder." She didn't wait for him to respond, getting out of bed and heading towards the bathroom in one quick movement. Mulder followed her progress with a frown. His eyes quickly dropped to her side of the bed where the exact nature of what was wrong immediately became evident. The blood smears on the pillow told him all he needed to know. He pushed the sheets away and strode towards the bathroom where he pushed open the semi-shut door with complete disregard for her privacy. She stood at the sink with a bowed head, blood dripping steadily into the basin. A wet facecloth was clasped in her hand, ready to wipe away the last drops of blood when the bleeding eventually came to an end. And although she knew Mulder was there, she refused to look at him. With crossed arms he stood in the doorway, staring persistently at her reflection until she eventually felt the pressure of his look and raised her head to meet his gaze. She maintained eye contact for a split second before the intensity of his expression caused her to avert her glance. "It's a just a nose bleed, Mulder. Stop worrying about me." Mulder felt his jaw tightening; her attempts to brush it off provoking a hostile reaction from him. "Is this the first one?" he asked angrily. Scully's response was to sink deeper into herself. Her hands toyed with the washcloth, folding it neatly into a square as the blood continued to drip steadily next to it. Minutes passed as Mulder waited for a reply, but she remained distantly silent, her eyes clinging all the while to the basin. When the bleeding had slowed, Scully lifted the washcloth and began cleaning away the blood. The detachment she demonstrated only aggravated him further. "There have been others, haven't there?" He moved closer to her. It was his body's attempt at reducing the distance that separated them, but in his mind he knew the gulf was insurmountable. This close, her expression fell into sharp relief, and he knew the truth of his words. All he had to do was look at her, and the facts that she was hiding became evident. His eyes continued to latch onto her reflection, even though she deliberately kept her own gaze focussed away from him. "You haven't told me about the others..." His tone of resignation was inlaid with crisp jewels of hurt, but he remained bitterly antagonistic. Her eyes persisted in avoiding his. She turned the faucet on and began squeezing the blood out of the facewasher, watching emotionless as the red-diluted water swirled around the basin. In a tight voice she answered, "I didn't realise that I was required to submit regular updates on my health." She returned his anger back to him with twice the intensity. Shock sliced through him. Her hurtful words were delivered with visceral intensity and he felt the pain sear through his flesh, before displaying itself openly on his face. His voice echoed numbly, "Updates?" Again he took a step closer to her, his arms dropping from their aggressive position, as he reached out and touched her shoulder. "Is that all you think I want?" Reacting to his caress, Scully turned the faucet off and swung around to face him For the first time, she made direct eye contact, and Mulder could see the distinct and varied emotions that hid within the shades of her eyes. Her frustration at the continuing argument was the principle feeling which shone through and Mulder recognised it immediately. With parallel ease, he grasped the reason she clung so tightly to the anger which fuelled her exasperation: being angry was a hell of a lot better than being scared. In laborious terms, Scully repeated her reassurance from earlier, "It is *just* a nosebleed, Mulder. People have nosebleeds all the time." She drew closer to him, and allowed her eyes to soften. "It doesn't mean the cancer has returned." Taking advantage of her yielding stance, Mulder lowered his voice and asked gently, "Have you had it checked out?" It broke the comfortable moment, and she was once again on the defensive. "No, I haven't." She pushed past him and returned to the bedroom, yanking the stained pillowcase off and throwing it in the laundry basket, before sliding back into bed and fixing him with a stubborn look. "There are no other symptoms. If I had any reason to be concerned, I would go to the doctor. But I don't, and neither should you." Mulder struggled to remain dispassionate, but the battle was quickly lost. She was dismissing him as if he were a child. The intent behind her statement was clear and he knew he had to get out of there before he lost his temper completely. He stared at her with barely restrained fury and then, without a word, began to gather his clothes from the floor. Scully followed his movements with a furrowed brow. Her apparent serenity was nothing more than a mask which hid her growing incomprehension. With hostility, she asked him the obvious. "What are you doing?" He replied without looking at her. "I'm leaving before I say something I regret." Her eyes studied him. If he were closer, he would have been able to observe her expression, which was laced with uncertainty. Instead, all he could judge were her words, which she threw at him with bitterness. "I see. Ditching me again, huh?" The unfairness of her comment forced him to channel his energy into the task of tying up his laces. If he didn't, he knew that he'd lash out with unforgivable words. Words that described emotions which were buried deeply within him; feelings he was reluctant to acknowledge to himself when swimming in the warm liquid of her love, but which hovered persistently in the background, waiting for a moment like this to unleash themselves. He straightened and left the room without a backward glance. Scully watched him go and refused to call him back. The cry was there, but she gripped it tightly in her throat, knowing that showing him her weakness would only prove him right. Underneath the angry words they had exchanged, another meaning had been hidden. It was a struggle of wills in which Scully was determined to prove to him that just because she allowed herself to love and be loved, didn't mean that she was prepared to subjugate herself to him. Being her own person was more important to her than being half of a whole, and she needed him to understand that. On the other hand, she had to admit that in one respect, Mulder had been right. His underlying fear about her cancer was one that she also shared. Internally. With a sigh, Scully turned off the light. When the darkness was complete, she rolled over to the other side of the bed and breathed in his scent, taking strength from it in lieu of his presence. When the first nosebleed had happened nearly a month ago, her thoughts had immediately sprung to the blackest of conclusions. Like Mulder, she had assumed that it was a sign that the reprieve she'd been granted was about to be brutally hauled back, setting her once more slap- bang on the path to death. It was a possibility that terrified her. More than anything else she'd had to endure in her life, those weeks spent in the hospital two years ago had devastated her. Fear and bile filled her throat simultaneously when she contemplated being forced to return to that nightmare. For her, the worst aspect of cancer was the sickness that preceded the inevitable death. Neediness and dependency weren't words that she associated with her healthy self, but in the cancerous state, they were the principles that defined her. The image of Mulder and her family weeping over her disease- ravaged body was not the one she wanted to carry with her to the grave and she knew that if she was faced with that prospect, she would have no hesitation in finding another alternative. Wetness trickled against her skin and for a split second she thought that her nose had started bleeding again. Her hand leapt to her face and brushed the dampness away. Examining her fingers she saw that it was just a tear, but the realisation did nothing to reassure her. Panic subsided, only to be replaced by self-loathing. Scully squeezed her eyes shut and wiped away the tears that continued to fall. With the strongest of wills, she forced herself to stop crying, knowing that it could only open the gateway to the black thoughts that she had fervently pushed down ever since she'd first seen the blood. She reminded herself of the argument she'd used on Mulder: just because she'd had a nose bleed didn't automatically mean the cancer had returned. All she was doing with these thoughts of self-pity was indulging in pointless speculation. Speculation that drove fear through her heart with an ice- cold force. It was because of this fear that she hadn't confided in Mulder. She'd known that he'd insist on her seeing a doctor and to her, that would be the first step towards learning she had the disease. An end result that she wanted to avoid at all costs. Mulder knew that. He had to know that. Scully counted on that fact to reassure her that their argument would soon be resolved. With Mulder, some things just didn't need to be verbalised and with any luck, he was going through the same motion of thoughts himself, right now. ******************** In through the nose. Out through the mouth. Mulder concentrated on his breathing, finding it a welcome distraction from the highly charged emotions that dominated his mind. Jogging had always been his preferred coping mechanism when his head was in the kind of mess it was in tonight, and so far it wasn't letting him down; as his feet thumped against the sidewalk, he could feel a noticeable easing of his anger. In rigid rhythms, he inhaled and exhaled. In with the good thoughts, out with the bad. That was his method and for the moment it appeared to be working. Now that he was away from her, he was able to recognise that where Scully was concerned, he was inclined to react with intensity, and tonight had been no exception. As he pounded through the dimly-lit streets, he reflected on the argument and its deeper significance. The verbal barbs they'd thrown at each other had been superficial weapons; the real meaning behind their argument being buried much deeper than the exposed surface. Mulder knew that the root of the argument had been the long- standing difficulties that were never far from the surface in their relationship. Problems that had been present from the beginning. Even when they had been purely platonic partners he'd found Scully's internalisation an infuriating characteristic. From the very start, she'd been reluctant to share her feelings with him, unable to acknowledge when something was wrong and had basically refused to let him in on her pain. Over the years, the situation had ameliorated slightly but even as lovers, it was a fault that persisted. Mulder believed that if there was going to be any one element that would destroy their relationship, it was Scully's distance. There was no doubt in Mulder's mind that he loved her. It was a given that he had stopped questioning somewhere in the third year of their partnership. But he also knew that in many respects he hated her. Hated the barriers she put up against him, hated her closed-off mind which continued to deny the truths he believed were unquestionable. Hated her self-righteousness that stubbornly precluded her from believing she was wrong. A cramp seized in his leg, and he had to stop, wincing as he applied pressure to the sensitive spot. His breathing was laboured and he took the opportunity to drop onto the curb's edge and catch his breath. Hate. The word swirled around his head, leaving an ugly trail in its wake. He had allowed it in too easily and with a conscious effort, he pushed its negative message back down. Its companion quickly rose in its wake. It was fear that was driving him away from Scully. The fear they both felt. Between the two of them, it was a powerful double act. Although she had kept her eyes shielded from him throughout the argument, Mulder had seen the dread that flowed from her gaze. Fear had clung to every one of her retorts and he knew he'd been unfair in pushing her closer to her anxieties. Her terror of the disease that had nearly destroyed her was something that she never admitted to him, but that he knew all the same. Like so many of her emotions, it was something that he read from everything she didn't say. And as she had remained taciturn, so had he. What he could never tell her was that he shared her horror of the remission's end. If, God forbid, the cancer had come back, Mulder didn't know if he'd be able to face it. He knew that he was being selfish. Not just with regards to Scully, but also to all the other people in the world who'd had to deal with a fatal disease attacking either themselves, or their loved ones. He was aware of wantonly claiming grief as his own personal belonging: something that no-one else could possibly understand, or have dealt with. Already he could hear the platitudes of those who believed that they comprehended the meaning of suffering, and already the thought of needing to struggle through the rest of his life without Scully sent him hurtling into a state of anger and denial. But he didn't give a damn about what other people felt. Before Scully, he'd had nothing. He'd been nothing. Now, he was whole. If she died... He couldn't - didn't - continue the thought. Pushing up from the ground, he began to slowly walk back to his car. ******************** The apartment's silence tangled his thoughts. He didn't know what else he'd been expecting - the muffled sound of her tears, the distorted tones of the television? - but the quiet jumped through his nerves and left him feeling inexplicably on-edge. He had left on the wave of shouts, so returning into tranquility was unsettling rather than reassuring. After a moment's pause, Mulder pushed on towards the bedroom. If she was awake, he knew she would be alert to his presence by his muffled steps, but if she was asleep he hoped that his was being quiet enough not to disturb her. He half-hoped to find her buried in dreams, but knew that he'd prefer her to be awake. The things he wanted to say couldn't wait until morning. With trepidation, Mulder stood in the doorway and looked at her. He was momentarily surprised to see that she had moved over to his side of the bed - the side furthest from the door. But the observation was soon washed away by other, more important, details. The moon's muted light was enough for him to see that her eyes returned his gaze with a steady intensity. Though it was shadowed in darkness, her face was clear to him; its expression eminently readable. Her emotions replicated his own. He couldn't move. He was scared that if he did, the connection between their eyes would be broken, cutting off the silent exchange with all its hidden meaning. The rage he'd felt towards her had swiftly departed the moment he'd glimpsed her curled form on the bed, and now all he could feel was weakness. His knees were unsteady as he slowly approached her, his gaze never wavering from her face. He knelt by the bed and continued to study her across the distance that separated them. She didn't move, but her eyes had followed him all the way. Her lips lifted into a tiny smile as he grazed his fingers against hers. They held hands as Mulder murmured, "I'm sorry." Scully slid closer to him and in unison they leaned forward, placing gentle kisses on each other's mouths. Pulling back, Scully smiled again and said with the same softness that had imbued his voice, "I'll go to the doctor tomorrow." Silently, smoothly, Mulder shed his clothes and slipped into bed. Her skin was warm against his as she nestled into him. Murmured words were passed between them as the stillness wrapped them together. It was transient resolution, but sufficient for now. In darkness, they found each other. Something was right. ~ THE END ~ ----------------------------------------------------------- Thanks for reading. Comments are welcome.