- Animorphs Book #1, The Invasion. Had Alot Of Good Parts. I'll Number The Parts I Really Liked. 1. When They Gain The Morphing Power From A Dieing Andalite Prince Elfangor. 2. When They First Morph. 3. The Sad Part When Tobias Explains To Jake, He Got Trapped. I Better Stop There Because If I Go Any Father I Might Never Stop. C-ya, Happy AniReading!
- Phoenixcat11@yahoo.com
- The Invasion #1
Well in my opinion the title tells it all even the Quote does! "some people never change, some do." with the title and the quote you can tell it sure will be a really interesting book.I think think on a scale of one to ten ill give it a.....seven,the auther, K.A. made the book to where when you read it, the details of the book, make it to whereas you are actually there.The coolest part is when JakeTM., freaks out over losing his tail when he morphed the green anole lizard
- Animor6636@aol.com
- This is great new sci-fi series featuring Jake, Rachel, Tobias, Cassie, and Marco; 5 teens who can morph into any animal they can touch! It mixes sci-fi with fantasy, a great combination for almost any kid.
- AxMan227@aol.com
- This is the first book in the sires, duh! It tells about Jake and the other Animorphs comming home, stupidley, through the consturcition site, and finding something they wished they had never found. Elfangor, a dieing Andalite Prince. He told them about the Yeerks, Hork-Bajir, Taxxons, and Visser Three. He gave them a power to fight back, the power to morph. After they got tis power they found an intrance to a Yeerk pool. They fought, and almost freed Tom, Jakes' brother, and ran. Luckley the saved a few, like two, people.
- MHitchIII@msn.com