- Book # 4, Very weird WEr id rid.As Ax would say.# 4, The Message, is what
basically started it all, i know #1 started it all but the Animorphs hardly
knew a thing
about the Yeerks, but they knew more than any other human might know in a life
time........Yeerks, if thats what you can call them they are just gray slugs
when they
arent in they're host's body,i know what your thinking" slugs, taking over
the human race, HAH that very funny." well you are Wrong they are here. lead
by Visser Three
who happens to turn into a madrut in this book i think you'll like it. The
reason it started it all was this is the book that someone new comes
in...........but who?or what? well i guess you' ll have to read to find out.