Welcome, this page was originally designed for a high school project. Our goal was to create a web site, no other stipulations. Well that's been almost 10 years now. I've made a few updates over the years. Mostly just goofing around. Since this pages inception I've made several other complete sites and learned a lot about things like CSS and JavaScript. Life has a way of making it hard to work on our pet projects. It is my hope that I will find time to make some interesting updates here. Thank you for visiting, and come again. Hopefully you will find some creative and visually pleasing changes.

These links will take you to polar ends of my realm. One is a look into a series of books that you might want to try, the other is a small dedication to a delightful group of children who run into all kinds of interesting situations on their show every week.

There are those out in the realm of earth who stand against imagination and competition. They would try to use the power of human courts to stop others from producting a competitive product. The DVD consortium is one of those organizations, I have included instructions with the authorization of Frank Andrew Stevenson on how to decode their encryption format. Please view this wing of my palace and help stop another Microsoft like monopoly from forming.

Adobe eBook format has flaws in it that allow people to easily decrypt the content of a "secure" document. Unfortunately the United States has been in an uproar lately about hacking and other computer "crimes". An individual who aided in developing a method to decrypt Adobe's "secure" documents has been arrested. It is truely a sad day when a company that should be paying this man for his independant research into security loop holes instead has him arrested. I encourage you to read more about this developing case.