No pornographic links please!
Kelly Savage Jello Ballard - 03/20/99 07:58:16
Your Favorite Book: The Bible and Lord of the Rings
How did you find my page: You told me
How can I make it better: By keeping your idiot friends from making dumb posts*LOL*.
Change your pictures, you look phat in them.
*Kevin - 03/11/99 22:18:31
Your Favorite Book: War or the Worlds
How did you find my page: looed up wizards
How can I make it better: pretty good already
Very cool site, I liked all of it very much.
Wizards and God / Goddesses are allsome, you have a good selection. Keep on with it,, I'll be back.
Blessed be
Thy Noble DragonSpell - 03/09/99 21:18:25
How did you find my page: Surfing the net
Well Met! I am thy Noble DragonSpell. Thou hast a very noble page indeed! I would like to take this opportunity to invite thee to consider entering thy webpage into competition at THE CRUSADES! There are five teams to choose from and all would welc
me thee with open arms! The choice of teams belongs to thee!
Come and join the fun, get thy webpage some publicity and win an award or two or three! Just click my banner below to get thee started on thy journey to fun and friendly competition! Make certain that thee has read all the RULES of competition BEFORE
entering thy site into the fray!
The Crusades! The Honorable Way to Fight for Glory!
DragonMasters Rule the Skies!