Welcome to.....

The Blackbeard's Castle IndexCenter!

Welcome to the IndexCenter of Blackbeard's Castle!

I'm Israel Hands, Cap'n Teach's first mate --- here to quickly recap what be currently aboard here at our humble little corner o' cyberspace......

.....startin', appropriately, with our Cap'n's Introduction, Welcome to the Castle, wherein our host and Master --- Cap'n Ed'ard "Blackbeard" Teach --- will show ye Mortals what t' expect hither!

Fer those o' ye wi' the bagpipes on the brain, Uncle Fergus' Homepage: Bagpipers' Paradise awaits ye, featurin' as it does these special segments: "The Boswell Returns!" from "Uncle Fergus' Bagpipers' Internet Companion," Uncle Fergus' Own Story and Uncle Fergus' Highland Links!

Ye can likewise find hither the homepage of that fun-lovin' fiddlin' foursome, The Quartet of the Longbeards! Here's a peek at what their corner o' the Castle contains: The Story of the Muller Brothers Quartets, A Word About Music Mountain (this segment, too, be under re-construction), Programmes by The Quartet of the Longbeards, and The Longbeards' Top 10!

Yet another page in our roster is the rather elegant Edward VII: The Homepage, featurin' His Majesty's Links of Merit (We'll soon be makin' further additions to Ol' Teddy's Royal Homepage, so don't ye go worryin' 'bout that!)

Blackwolf the Dragonmaster, 4000-year-old expert in Magecraft and Imagination, is also a part o' our merry online crew. Here be some o' what his Dark Chambers have: Classic Blackwolf; Blackwolf's Links; and Blackwolf's Dossier!

His Majesty King Humphrey III of Berenicia and 'is court fool Bellbottom are here, too; and they'll be greetin' ye with Tales from Berenicia: The World's Greatest Fairy Tales --- Profusely Whipp'd Into Shape!

After that, ye can nod a chord er two t' Otto E. Funk, a/k/a Old Man Fiddler. This lovable, fiddle-happy old dog'll tell his tale, an' share a few fiddle-related links with ya.

We even got La Movida, a short list o' links fer ye music lovers what be hopelessly devoted to croonin' en Espanol!

Still bein' built is Superman: The Movie --- The Richard Washington Site, featuring the complete synopsis --- an' nothin' but --- of the Salkinds' 1978 classic adventure starrin' Christopher Reeve!

Finally, we've got this 'ere page, the IndexCenter! Here, as Cap'n Blackbeard mentioned in 'is Intro, I'll be lettin' ye know about what be on tap fer this here entire site collection!

Well, that's all for now from my part o' the boat. Look fer more updates from yer ol' matey, Israel Hands, as soon I'm able to get busy on 'em!

Always sailin', Israel Hands

P.S.: Here be five of our favorite site links, just ter get ye started on yer way:

Sir Clisto Seversword's Tome of Adventure and Knowledge
Ryleh the Wanderer's Renaissance World
No Quarter Given
Blackbeard Lives!
The Edinburgh Military Tattoo

Information in the Blackbeard's Castle IndexCenter is accurate as of date of last updating. BLACKBEARD'S CASTLE and INDEXCENTER are trademarks of EPE Holdings, Inc. TMs & (C) 2009 EPE Holdings, Inc. All rights reserved.

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