The Lemite Autonomous Region

The Lemite Autonomous Region

The Lemites are an official alien race affiliation in Beyond the Stellar Empire [BSE], a now-moribund role playing science fiction play by mail game. The page author was a fee-paying BSE player and has no other ties to the company.

This site, with the exception of the "OOC Comments" page, is done in-character. That means that it is written in the role-playing spirit of the game mentioned above.

Except for e-mail addresses, URLs, and SMG and its address, the contents of this site are a work of fiction. That means none of it exists in real life. Any resemblence to persons (living, dead, or fictional), animals (living dead or fictional), historical or social events, social mores, sexual practices, or misuse of household appliances, is coincidental. Buckle your harness before lifting off or landing. Always assume that a laser pistol is charged. Never fill out turnsheets under the influence. Always read the fine print. And above all, remember:

It's a Game,

It's Just a Friggin' Game!

Click on the cute lil' dancing critter to continue...