Major Quotes!!!!!!

And their interpretations..... :)

Perhaps the most significant quote in the book:

"Civilation is sterilization"

This has two meanings that I can find... ;) in this book. The fact that sterilizing most of the population will prevent unpermissable breeding and will keep the population pure. And then the fact that sterile minds lead to "happy" workers. The fact that the people don't know any better helps in controlling the population.

The other quotes...

"Cleanliness is next to fordliness"

The popular "Cleanliness is next godliness".... you know what that means... I should hope... ;)

"Was and will make me ill, I take a gramme and only am..."
"A gramme in time saves nine"
"A gramme is better than a damn"

These few quotes show of the dependance of the population on soma. It's a "happy" drug. They use it constantly to make they happy, not relying on their own emotions... or should I say, neglecting their emotions...

Everyone works for everyone else. We can't do without anyone."
"Everyone belongs to everyone else"

Hmmmmm..... I guess this contradicts what I said earlier... These quotes represent the fact that everyone is needed in this society. That everyone has a specific place and job function.

And the quote that sums this whole mess up....

"Five hundred repetitions, once a week from thirteen to seventeen."

All the previous quotes are subliminally planted into the person's mind at a young age. Everyone in this society is molded. That life sucks.... doesn't it? :S

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