Jubei Kibagami

Can't keep a good ninja down!

After a while, Jubei made his way into the ranks of the Azuma Ninja Clan, becoming one of the most respected leaders. It was also during this time that Graal was opening up, allowing for new experiences. Once again Jubei set out to see the unseen and get a screenshot of it. Jubei experimented a little and also awoke an ancient guild, the Decepticons, creating Metal Jubei.

Against the wall and spread em Miss. We're going to have a problem here!

Azuma Ninja Clan 4ever!

Some girls just don't get it, I'm not on the market!

Not every outfit makes the Jubei Actionwear line of clothing!

Me and Riki in Decepticon uniforms!

Riki tastes the bitter edge of my dark blade! Then we went out for a beer!

Peace Through Tyranny!

Xeron is not a hax0r it honestly just started raining gold!

Metal Jubei achieves 0 AP!

Awww Graal looks so beautiful from the moon. I wonder if there's any intelligent life there?

Well there's intelligent life on the moon!

And this kids is what happens when you stare at the sun! Just some fucked up color effects from my Lunaris trip.

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