Jubei Kibagami

I've decided that I'm gonna make a list of people I randomly choose to kill. Just some of the fun stuff I used to do back in the day when the Yoshis were runnin around. Which reminds me, my old "friend" Cha Cha is admin over on that Dino Valley or whatever the hell it's called page. I'll have to do some hunting over there for old times sake. In the mean time, this gallery is from Enigma where I kick ass, and Classic, where I'm a newB again.

This guy pissed me off cuz Undine is kinda a friend of mine!

This guy actually begged me to fight him to show his worth, and came back for more!

This guy sucked hard, even his outfit looks gay!

This dipshit decided to fight Miku while we were talking, Lunch Box Cameo!

Rocky Music - Back to Jubei Central 1