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Hi I'm jesstopher.
As you can guess, this is my personal web page, it has some info about me on it and it also has links to some sites that I like and links to some of my other web sites. I in high school and can't wait to graduate in 2000, I like fantasy and role playing games as well as Sci-Fi, computers, and the Internet. After I graduate I will be in the Navy. I am currentely in the delayed entrance program(DEP), and I will be attending basic training around August of 2000. The job that I have signed up for in the Navy is called Cryptological Technical Maintenance (CTM). I enjoy track, cross country, hunting, and I also love to snowboard. I haven't gotten to board as much as I want to but I still enjoy to board when ever I get a chance to. I like to chat on ICQ, feel free to email me or use my ICQ number. Don't hesitate to sign my
guestbook or to send me an email and you can also check out some of my pictures:-)

I've learned:


I have some other pages that you may want to check out if you are interested in that sort of thing, or just check out my page of links. I also have a short autobiography that I did as an English assignment. June of '99 I was lucky enough to go to Europe, and I finally got some of my pics started up on my page. I also set it up like a journal so you can read about what it was like:) I finally got my senior pictures taken, and I am trying to get most of them up on to the net, so that my friends can tell me what ones are good:

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ICQ# 24874592

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hits since 3/14/99

page by jesstopher
created on Oct. 7, 1998

© 1997 jesstopher@yahoo.com

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