Warriors, start your en... oooops, wrong intro there. ..that's 'Daytona' stuff. Us warriors don't go around in racing cars, do we? Anyway, here are some of your noble fellow warriors whom I now proudly name; The Warriors of Faith.
Glad ya dropped by, instead of dropping off horses! : )

sascha ehrenberg - 12/20/00 16:52:20
My URL:http://www.donthave-any-yet.com
My Email:kaiaphas@gmx.de
Birthdate: feb 04 1981
Country: germany
All of the above is a pack of lies (y/n): nope

hey there dearest nicky it was nice looking at your HP again after such a long time. i was wondering whether I'm still in there : and yeeha I still am. thanx for that love ya peace and smiles to ya my deary yours truly sasch

Peter - 09/20/00 03:19:58
My Email:thermopyle@totalise.co.uk
Country: England
Are you a fantasy/sci_fi freak?: yes
Describe a fantasy/sci-fi freak: always on the lookout for distractions from everyday life
All of the above is a pack of lies (y/n): no

J.R.R. Tolkien - The Lord of the Rings - Part 7 and so on audio mp3s - The Fellowship of the Ring if u can help find um please email me

guillaume - 10/28/99 09:10:43
My URL:PC is crap
My Email:gcarpent@caramail.com
Birthdate: 4/11/78
Country: France, the best of all
Are you a fantasy/sci_fi freak?: I will die for it...
Describe a fantasy/sci-fi freak: He will die for it...
All of the above is a pack of lies (y/n): How do u know ?

First of all I'd like to say that PC is the crapiest thing on Earth (except -of course- Nik's keyboard when you have to squash her at Last Bronx). I was really amused to see the new photos, but the tomato gallery is not "fair" (Nik, I'm sure you know how o pronounce !) : I'm thousand miles away ! At least we'll have a revenge... And one guess : do you know what Nik fears most ? Send me 10$ and you will laugh a lot ! gui, the Hammer of Gods ps : Zaimoku rules

Rhonda - 09/20/99 10:28:21
My Email:Rholinds@ix.net.au
Birthdate: 7/2/45.
Country: Australia.
Are you a fantasy/sci_fi freak?: Nup.
Describe a fantasy/sci-fi freak: Nik and Adrian.

I really enjoyed reading this page and seeing all the photos, except the ones of that ugly guy(we prefer to say bloke) called Adrian.

Yasmin Sulaiman - 06/17/99 04:26:18
My URL:http://www.deakin.edu.au/~sulaiman/index.html
My Email:sulaiman@deakin.edu.au
Birthdate: 15/11
Country: Mesia le..
Are you a fantasy/sci_fi freak?: nope..don't think so..
Describe a fantasy/sci-fi freak: no idea!!..
All of the above is a pack of lies (y/n): yup..!!

allo..wei..you've got a great HP le..superb!!BTW..didn't know you're a fantasy freak..hehehe..wish you luck amd happiness always..take care babe..oh ye..lovely pictures..and lu gile abihle Nicky..hahahaha..Wassalam.

JoNaFeN - 04/13/99 02:58:41
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/jidb
My Email:jidb1@hotmail.com
Birthdate: 10.10.84 is this nessary?
Country: Australia
Are you a fantasy/sci_fi freak?: NO sorry
Describe a fantasy/sci-fi freak: A guy who wares those stupid plastic bat EARS
All of the above is a pack of lies (y/n): No

Hey hows it going? You asked me to write in your guessbook next time i dropped in?!?!?!?! PEOPLE DONT FORGET TO DOWNLOAD WEEZIL.ZIP its da best program!!!! =P

David - 03/12/99 21:46:00
My Email:david31786@yahoo.com
Birthdate: never born (N/A)
Country: um...
Are you a fantasy/sci_fi freak?: maybe
Describe a fantasy/sci-fi freak: my cuzin
All of the above is a pack of lies (y/n): no, at least not to your knowledge!

My IM SN is ixnonthomb. I actually read readme.txt files!(sometimes) That is how I discovered how to get out of dohdoh.exe!

kobis - 03/04/99 08:08:46
My Email:mukhriz@mailexcite.com
Birthdate: 15/10
Are you a fantasy/sci_fi freak?: nope..
Describe a fantasy/sci-fi freak: nope... never..
All of the above is a pack of lies (y/n): maybee...:)

lu giillaaaaaaa laaa cmdr.!!!!!

husna hamzah - 02/18/99 14:10:54
My Email:taz_devil_hhh@hotmail.com
Birthdate: dec.21,78
Country: malaysia
Are you a fantasy/sci_fi freak?: 1/2 freak
Describe a fantasy/sci-fi freak: when tazmanian devil stops eating and starts fasting
All of the above is a pack of lies (y/n): nope

splendid gal. very creative. great pictures too, especially u-know-who.

Mr X - 02/04/99 02:55:10
My URL:http://secret.lie.com
My Email:mr.x@lie.com
Birthdate: x/x/xx
Country: pick a country
Are you a fantasy/sci_fi freak?: almost
Describe a fantasy/sci-fi freak: everyone who enjoys tolkien' books
All of the above is a pack of lies (y/n): well, what do you know...

cool stuff!

Adrian Scott - 02/01/99 00:12:24
My Email:legend@legendland

Hello sweet darling, I'm signing on again. I visit your page just about every time I email you to see your sweet pictures. Anyway, just wanted to say how much you mean to me. "Saya sayang awak," sweet "comel" Nik. Love always, Adrian xxxooo.

Sandra Weiche - 11/11/98 16:00:57
My Email:weiche@rz.uni-potsdam.de

Dearie Nicky, surprise, here is your old friend from Germany. Great webpage, great to be here. Hope to hear from you soon, love Sandra.

Bad Bunny - 10/16/98 06:23:45
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Just surfing Thanks

Cindy - 09/23/98 14:06:51
My URL:http://www.zecrets.com/users/cindy
My Email:cinth@usa.net

Nice page.... please come visit my site :-) Thanks, Cindy

Aidil - 09/18/98 06:16:22
My Email:mynick98@yahoo.com
Birthdate: 21 september 1977
Country: Malaysia
Are you a fantasy/sci_fi freak?: Yup!

assalamualaikum Nik! Well, your hp is great! I like it!

nor azizi hassan - 09/02/98 07:34:00
My URL:http://www.GG hassan.com
My Email:azizihassan@hotmail.com
Birthdate: 12/01/78
Country: malaysia
Are you a fantasy/sci_fi freak?: nop

no comment...

bryan - 08/25/98 07:06:06
My Email:bryan@hotmail.com

u're so beautiful

sascha the retardy - 08/19/98 11:47:13
My URL:I'm a poor retarded student
My Email:kaiaphas@hotmail.com
Birthdate: 02/04/81
Country: fucking Germany
Are you a fantasy/sci_fi freak?: toldya already
Describe a fantasy/sci-fi freak: someone who dreams in drawn pictures( not to say comics)
All of the above is a pack of lies (y/n): no defenitely not

Hey Nicky howizit? Would ya tell me please where do ya got these nice pics (fantasy) from! Again and again the pages are cool cya the sascha the retardy =w=#2189 join the weezer fanclub its the best fanclub i know of.

ADRIAN(hero)SCOTT - 08/11/98 08:26:49
My Email:s3074628@student.anu.edu.au or adscott98@hotmail.com
Birthdate: 1/12.1977
Country: NEVILLE
Are you a fantasy/sci_fi freak?: not really
Describe a fantasy/sci-fi freak: someone with no life, usually wears thick glasses, and a bowl shaped haircut
All of the above is a pack of lies (y/n): no

chess rules, cricket rules, Chopin rules, Tori Amos rules. Cast sux, MLTR sux, Boyzone are gay. Everything I do is brilliant, and I am the pac-man king.

munchkin - 08/01/98 18:22:49
My Email:you know.....!!!!
Country: malaysia... DDAAA.. whereelse..
Are you a fantasy/sci_fi freak?: sort of..
Describe a fantasy/sci-fi freak: mmm... it's gonna take me a year..
All of the above is a pack of lies (y/n): no.. i'm a good girl..

Thanks Nicky to invite me here.. Cool... Great thing you have here.. Keep it up.. and mmmm... do you still have the Tolkien book that you took from the library....? Must get the idea from there huh? Whatever.. Good luck ... bye... me (asiahbudaklagibaik)

endang - 07/10/98 07:56:05
My URL:http://mane.ade@lagi.daaa.com.my
My Email:kipas@hotmail.com
Birthdate: 07031978
Country: malaysia
Are you a fantasy/sci_fi freak?: nope
Describe a fantasy/sci-fi freak: you
All of the above is a pack of lies (y/n): no!!!

wei, lawa siot gambar kau.....semakin ayu lak tu hehehehehe.tapi of coz la gambar bladers tu yang ter-lawa!!!! hahahah...so bile nak balik mesia visit aku kat unitele ni?

Steve - 07/09/98 19:14:33
Country: Germany

Hey it's me one more time!! :)) Nice photos nicki! By the way i'm still working on this english translation of my hp! So maybe it's done in about one week or something! Cu later! Steve

Paul Minstrell - 07/06/98 20:34:26
My URL:http://www.cgocable.net/~jminstre/
My Email:pminstre@cgocable.net
Country: Canada
Are you a fantasy/sci_fi freak?: Sometimes
Describe a fantasy/sci-fi freak: My neighbour
All of the above is a pack of lies (y/n): no

Good luck with your image page.

OHM - 07/04/98 21:23:23
My Email:apaifowler@hotmail.com
Birthdate: Who wants to know??
Country: Guess where??
Are you a fantasy/sci_fi freak?: Who wants to know??
Describe a fantasy/sci-fi freak: Are you Jimmy Ray??
All of the above is a pack of lies (y/n): Who wants to know??

YO!! Liverpool fans out there...we have a new revelation in our favourite team...Micheal Owen...so Man Utd.....say your prayers!!! A job well done but full of craps!!

Nikkoy - 06/19/98 13:23:31
My URL:http://www.belumada.lagi.html
My Email:nikhatta@tm.net.my
Birthdate: Sama cam ngkau!
Country: Malaysia
Are you a fantasy/sci_fi freak?: Err...I dunno!
Describe a fantasy/sci-fi freak: The one who never understands reality, might be due to not-so-bright-ness of his/her brain power. But could also result from reading too much fantasy literature. The freak would then be oblivious of the 'real' surro nding and would be considered entirely unresponsinve or dead by the community of the real world, although he/she is very much alive in the 'other' world.
All of the above is a pack of lies (y/n): NOOOOOOO!!!!

Ok la...I'd give it 7 and a quarter out of 1000. Eh silap ...10. But honestly speaking, I think can do better. Huarghhh...hah...ha... hahahahahahahahahahahahahahah

Gilou - 06/18/98 07:17:56
My URL:http://www.mygale.org/03/gtalis/
My Email:lilobelzo@yahoo.com
Birthdate: Dec. 26 732
Country: MIR Station and sometimes France
Are you a fantasy/sci_fi freak?: I'm freak, buIt's e avery undiscrete question, buddy
Describe a fantasy/sci-fi freak: Young beautiful black guy, 7' , 150 lbs is looking for a young beautiful fantasy fan (only females please) for Magic games and aD&D parties in my room.
All of the above is a pack of lies (y/n): I don't see what you mean !

When i see some of my friends killing thier mother to get money to buy "Magic" cards, i decided to make this cards by myself. Don't hesitate to e-mail me at the address above. In all cases, the html programming course with fantasy option sounds weird. Do they make you read books like Hilbo the Bobbit and The Lords of the Watches ? OH, other thing. WE WANT YOUR REAL PHOTO ON THE WEB, FRANKENSTEIN !!!

Fox Mulder - 06/15/98 07:51:02
My URL:top secret
My Email:gcarpent@caramail.com
Birthdate: confidencial
Country: the States
Are you a fantasy/sci_fi freak?: buddy, I've seen my sister abducted by aliens, so for me it's a way of life
Describe a fantasy/sci-fi freak: someone you desperatly plays Stratego with his/her sister/brother just to see strange lights and big-eyed grey people
All of the above is a pack of lies (y/n): trust no one...

So you've done it ! Great to see that Cancer Man is absolutly unable to stop you. But there's just a little detail I'd like you to explain : where did you put the X-Files stuff ? Are there any cheat codes or secret pages ? Believe the lie

Guillom - 06/15/98 07:39:35
My URL:none ! just a poor biologist
My Email:gcarpent@caramail.com
Birthdate: april 11th, 1978
Country: France
Are you a fantasy/sci_fi freak?: yeah, and most of all an X-Philes...
Describe a fantasy/sci-fi freak: the best person on earth
All of the above is a pack of lies (y/n): hey, I'm not used to lie !

To my dearest and forever partner, This sacred home page is the one you want to see when everything's wrong and the storm is near... So keep fighting against evil creatures, but never forget that the truth is out there... Guillom

Matthew Jones - 06/15/98 07:10:13
My Email:j3068119@student.anu.edu.au
Birthdate: 19/12/1977
Country: Australia (mostly)
Are you a fantasy/sci_fi freak?: i read almost exclusively sci fi and fantasy but i don't go in for all the mystical we are the saviours of the world stuff that you 've got in your homepage...i like it for the escape just like you...
Describe a fantasy/sci-fi freak: see above

see above

monkey man - 06/15/98 06:39:22
My Email:MonkeyMan6@apeland.com
Birthdate: long ago
Country: planet of the Apes city
Describe a fantasy/sci-fi freak: any member of the planet of the Ape city congress

THe site would benifite from more bannanas

Sonia Purcell - 06/15/98 06:34:18
My Email:P3175977@student.anu.edu.au
Birthdate: 14/01/80
Country: Australia
Are you a fantasy/sci_fi freak?: Yes
Describe a fantasy/sci-fi freak: Me

It is a really cool site!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nik Syamsul Faizal - 06/11/98 11:40:03
My Email:jazzette_h@hotmail.com orjazzette1000@hotmail.com
Birthdate: 06/12/76
Country: Malaysia
Are you a fantasy/sci_fi freak?: Yes
Describe a fantasy/sci-fi freak: Hope in reality

Cayalah it's very best giler...takes a few improvement..kena kasik gambar tu terang sikit..sebab ader yang tak terang.....wa nak lu ajar oii...wa nak buat homepage gak... eeii.. jealousnyer...ok ler...anyway jazzette1000 is my other e-mail...one more thin ... masukler gambar aku sekali...yeah..!!!CayalahJazz

SASCHA- 06/11/98 10:06:29
My Email:kaiaphas@hotmail.com
Birthdate: 04.02.1981
Country: Germany
Are you a fantasy/sci_fi freak?: sometimes
Describe a fantasy/sci-fi freak: who loves "star wars"

Darling I'll soon be able to visit the whole page but in 5 minutes i gotta leave. touch our wishing star this evening. love ya always, Sascha

Anwar (C.K, Yerong) - 06/11/98 04:56:05
My URL:http://minyos.its.rmit.edu.au/~s9810487/
My Email:s9810487@minyos.its.rmit.edu.au
Birthdate: 15 November 1978
Country: Malaysia
Are you a fantasy/sci_fi freak?: Sci-Fi I am
Describe a fantasy/sci-fi freak: Star Wars, Sliders, ID4, Men in Black ...games:Srategies esp. STARCRAFT and Adventure games
All of the above is a pack of lies (y/n): no way!

Hi Nicky! Your HomePage looks pretty neat. Good for you. I like it coz its very systematic in a way and the way you present it is very nice and interesting. What really shocked me was I didn't know that you were also a fantasy freak...coz I'm not. But anyway nic pics. Luv it! its me Nwar

widdie - 06/10/98 11:11:44
My Email:widyad@hotmail.com
Birthdate: 6 march
Country: Malaysia
Are you a fantasy/sci_fi freak?: No
Describe a fantasy/sci-fi freak: You

Greetings. I must say that your web page is extra ordinary...Mana gambar sendiri? Just wait for myweb page...then we'll see sapa punya lagi canggih

Michael lee - 06/10/98 06:00:13
My Email:lee_michael@hotmail.com
Birthdate: 24/10/79
Country: Australia
Are you a fantasy/sci_fi freak?: yes... a bit
Describe a fantasy/sci-fi freak: maybe later
All of the above is a pack of lies (y/n): nope I swear it

Howdy... email us sometime :)

Stievieh - 06/09/98 19:57:39
My URL:http://studenten.freepage.de/sharzer/index.htm
My Email:sharzer@hotmail.com
Birthdate: 21.09.79
Country: Germany
Are you a fantasy/sci_fi freak?: Yep

Hey Nicki!! Nice HP! I was really interested in reading your stuff!! Tolkien rules!! I read his books hundreds of times and they are always just as good as I would read them for the first time! Why didn't you pick a photo of you on this hp? This would be pretty cool! CU. Steve!! *with a very big smile just for you

Evil Spice - 06/09/98 10:01:47
My Email:Yep
Birthdate: Old, so very old :(
Country: Australia, place of weird accents
Are you a fantasy/sci_fi freak?: Can't say that I am
Describe a fantasy/sci-fi freak: Scary
All of the above is a pack of lies (y/n): pretty much

Cool page, but you're scarin' me Nik!

Mighty Princess - 06/09/98 09:56:09
My Email:amber_skylab@hotmail.com
Birthdate: 12/07/79
Country: The OZ Land!!
Are you a fantasy/sci_fi freak?: Now let me make it as clear as possible: NO, NOT AT ALL!!
Describe a fantasy/sci-fi freak: WHY SHOULD I??? NO INTEREST...
All of the above is a pack of lies (y/n): WHAT DO U THINK I AM......A sci-fi JERK LIKE U...yeah it's true lies!!!

SORRY, haven't looked at your web-site yet... i'll do it......when i've got nothing better to do....!!! hey........ smile..... ;)

Writting for Munchkin(By Beethoven) - 06/09/98 06:57:27
My URL:http://www.Nik Skywalker SUCKS!!!.com
My Email:Nik.SkyWalker.Really.SUCKS!!.@donotmailtothisemail.com
Birthdate: Munchkin is your age, Beethoven is definately older than you.
Country: Negaraku...Tanah tumpah....
Are you a fantasy/sci_fi freak?: Me for sure...I borrowed my Lord Of The Rings to Asiah..for your information..
Describe a fantasy/sci-fi freak: A person who eats a lot, burps after that, skate lousy, but cute......
All of the above is a pack of lies (y/n): You're damn right it's the truth honey!!!

Ok la.....jangan mare...saje nak kacau...its me...la....Asiah's ????????......she's not here right now...ade class....i just came in her email to check for her.....ok la.....send you my email later.....regards for the best Ausmat skater......HHHHIIIIIIYYA H!!!!

azura - 06/08/98 14:37:30
My URL:http://www.tak_wujud
My Email:uknowla@home.com
Birthdate: 3 zulkaedah 1398
Country: fellow citizen
Are you a fantasy/sci_fi freak?: absolutely a die-hard freak!!!
Describe a fantasy/sci-fi freak: somebody who'd dedicate a whole website to the fantasy world!
All of the above is a pack of lies (y/n): moi, lie???!!! ;)

cun laa, very impressive... i actually felt like picking up a tolkien book. go, girl! may the force be with you!!

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